Help Me Masters!


This is my first growing.Your advices are important for me. I think I have a problem but I am not sure what is that, potassium deficiency or Nitrogen deficiency? I think they have similar image.
Soil mix: %70 soil %20 perlit %5 biobizz premix %5 batguano.
Nutrients: Advenced Nutrients Sensi grow A+B -B52
Watering: 2-4 Days 2.5 liter
Pot size: 11 Liter
28 C Degree Hum: %55-%60
Stage: Begining of 5. week veg

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
The spots on the leaf in the 2nd pic look a little mid stage potassium deficiency too.
Nitrogen and Potassium deficiency.
How is the PH?

Cheers Jimmy.


Well-Known Member
yeah i dont think its nitrogen looks more like potassium. the bottom leaves would be turning entirely lime green to yellow if it was nitrogen usually. id hit it with some bloom type nutes or something with more p than n and some cal mag to be sure. bloom nutes have zync in them also so if it was that also it would fix that.


The spots on the leaf in the 2nd pic look a little mid stage potassium deficiency too.
Nitrogen and Potassium deficiency.
How is the PH?

Cheers Jimmy.
There is only a leave looks like second pic.Unfortunately I dont have ph meter for soil. It is out of stock in shop.

yeah i dont think its nitrogen looks more like potassium. the bottom leaves would be turning entirely lime green to yellow if it was nitrogen usually. id hit it with some bloom type nutes or something with more p than n and some cal mag to be sure. bloom nutes have zync in them also so if it was that also it would fix that.
Thanks for advice. Now I have some bloom nutes Big Bud, Bud Candy And Sensi Bloom A+B. I am going to search these products which have more potassium. But I think a little bit sensi bloom solve my problem. I am going to tell result when I do.


chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Omg I hope its not overnuted.I changed lights to hps from cfls but heat was same ,hum increased %10. I am going to upload more pic. tonight. Solve my problem Masters I dont want to see my babies are dying.
how close are the lights, can you hold your hand under there at plant level and not have your hand get hot?


Well-Known Member
Not a deficiency. Heat/intensity stress.

If you are feeding your plant, most likely its not a deficiency. Its more likely a buildup of salts causing lockout. Adding more fertilizer just compounds the problem. But thats not even it here. It is affecting the top leaves only, you just dramatically increased the light intensity and the humidity dropped 10%.... doesn't take a master.

and that looks nothing like a nitrogen deficiency.


how close are the lights, can you hold your hand under there at plant level and not have your hand get hot?
2.5 Hand Span and it is not hot at plant level also I have a cooltube it helps. But before hps ,3x 150w CFLs were too close my plants like 5-7 cm again not hot again.

Not a deficiency. Heat/intensity stress.

If you are feeding your plant, most likely its not a deficiency. Its more likely a buildup of salts causing lockout. Adding more fertilizer just compounds the problem. But thats not even it here. It is affecting the top leaves only, you just dramatically increased the light intensity and the humidity dropped 10%.... doesn't take a master.

and that looks nothing like a nitrogen deficiency.
Do you think I am not searching. If you want I can upload my browser history :D But everybody says different things you can also see in this topic too like Heat stress, overnuted, cal,mg,N,K deficincy. I am Amateur man. I need to learn it with first hands :D


Active Member
Not a deficiency. Heat/intensity stress.

If you are feeding your plant, most likely its not a deficiency. Its more likely a buildup of salts causing lockout. Adding more fertilizer just compounds the problem. But thats not even it here. It is affecting the top leaves only, you just dramatically increased the light intensity and the humidity dropped 10%.... doesn't take a master.

and that looks nothing like a nitrogen deficiency.
^^ Yes, I just had this happen. Moved some larger plants from a cfl veg setup to my 600HPS.. exact same thing happened. light/heat/ humidity. Next time I will put them in the high intensity light for a few hours a day before slamming them under there...or start higher with my lights. They are @ 20 inches above the canopy right now though.

Stay the course. leave the leaves alone, they will prob curl too in a few days. just pay attention to the new growth. Don't let those leaves freak you out.
Your fertalizer or PH is off one way or the other. It looks like a nute deficency to me though...

The comment about salt build up, could be right if your not draining out of the bottom enough when you water.


^^ Yes, I just had this happen. Moved some larger plants from a cfl veg setup to my 600HPS.. exact same thing happened. light/heat/ humidity. Next time I will put them in the high intensity light for a few hours a day before slamming them under there...or start higher with my lights. They are @ 20 inches above the canopy right now though.

Stay the course. leave the leaves alone, they will prob curl too in a few days. just pay attention to the new growth. Don't let those leaves freak you out.
Yes,some of them start to curl. That mean my plant have heat stress isnt it?


Well-Known Member
Im going through an ordeal now, I found early stages of spider mites in my veg room, so all i had at the time was go-nats. So i went by the directions an strayed my plants. then next day, had dying leaves and spots . OH my gosh, i cryed. So im still learnig, but i sher can grow some potent shit now though. But anyways, hope u figure it out becouse i know how it is to have sick plants. Peace. srry spellig bad.


Im going through an ordeal now, I found early stages of spider mites in my veg room, so all i had at the time was go-nats. So i went by the directions an strayed my plants. then next day, had dying leaves and spots . OH my gosh, i cryed. So im still learnig, but i sher can grow some potent shit now though. But anyways, hope u figure it out becouse i know how it is to have sick plants. Peace. srry spellig bad.
Thanks man. I tried to take care them like a baby.