Help me make a plan :)


Well-Known Member
So as of right now, I have a 4x4 grow room and a 700w led(puts out about 600w)
4 autos started 5 weeks ago, started flowering week 6.

I have 4 FEMSwaiting to take their place and get transplanted into 4 gals; my question is, if I want to continually harvest every few months, should I keep and auto or two always going?

March is the month I need to fit 5 more plants in my grow grow until April for outdoor season, but they will be in 1 gals.

Shoots some ideas at me, I'll post my current plant below;

* I/D= Indoor season
* O/S= Outdoor season
* H/S = harvest

I/S Nov - 4 autos in flower, 4 fems
I/S dec - 4 autos in flower, 4 fems

I/SJan - harvest the 4 autos, transplant fems into 4 gal
I/SFeb 4 fems,
I/SMar 4 fems indoors, 5 fems prep for O/S
O/S Apr transplant O/S plants, left with 4 fems, switch to 12/12
O/SMay flowering indoor, veg outdoor
O/SJun flowering indoor, veg outdoor
O/SJul possible harvest/flowering for indoor, starting to flower outdoors
O/SAugflowerimg outdoors
H/Sept harvest outdoors, plant new fems
I/SNov veg
I/SDec veg

A little confusing maybe, but ask anything you need to clarify:)

I wasn't to be harvesting at lease every 4 months or if I could get it hat I harvest an auto every 2 minutes the idk lmfao the goal is to never run out


Well-Known Member
ok, so we got 8 outdoors lets say, and i would guess 4 to 8 spots inside as well? correct me if i'm wrong


Well-Known Member
4 flowering, 2 in 1 gal 2 in 3 gal.

My original plant was to have 4 plant after the autos in 5 gal or 4 and veg until the outdoor plants are ready to harvest then flower the indoor idk lol I have it all written in munch journal


Well-Known Member me i wish i had your problem....would be interesting for me as well

would be a killer garden, now i just gotta visualize what i would do in this instance, especially if i had the space that you have for planting

this might turn out like a 6pk and a lawn chair moment


Well-Known Member
ok after my lawn chair moment, and puff or 2..

what i would do is use 6 spots outside, leaving 2 open this for me is where i would use the fem seeds and reg seeds at simply cause of there growth

other spots inside, now remember if i had your setup, i would use for auto's, seedlings, and clones. The Auto's would run about every 3 months while the outside would run a little longer.

this would give you a good rotation, or at least i would think