Help Me Land on a Diagnosis (please)


It’s been stupid hot. Yesterday had a high of 110 (F) and in the evening it was sitting at 80 until like 10PM. I need help narrowing this down. I think it’s the heat, or a deficiency, or a combo of both.

Tangent: I’m confused about the nutrients because according to a lot of growers, the soil mix I used is one that you just plant the ganja in and water it and it will grow good, but I’m not sure how accurate that claim really is as this is my first experience growing. I don’t believe it’s that easy, although I adversely don’t believe it’s really all that hard. I’m not trying very hard and my plants look fine even if they’re slow and steady. So if someone could clarify to what degree any given soil mix can on its own grow bud that would be sick. I know that the nutrients required are different depending on the stage, but I feel like adding some rooting formula to a mix perfect for vegetative growth and then adding nutes for flowering at the end is ideal for me. If I must I will go buy ALL the nutes, but as of right now I don’t have a job and I don’t like asking for money so I’m trying to work with what I’ve got already.

My plants looked really pretty despite the circumstances. There’s a lot of things I’m not doing “right.” For instance I have made no effort to protect my plants from the aforementioned heat. These plants grew from seed in this heat and they outlived their brethren thus far. I like to think of it as an experiment finding a phenotype that can withstand extreme heats lol… They smell awesome too. I noticed tiny browned tips on the one I’m about to show, but with how minor it was, google says it could be any number of things. I kept an eye on it. It got a little worse. Maybe a copper deficiency based on comparing my plant to others online? But then yesterday I noticed my plant looked off. The leaves that had previously had brown tips were now entirely green, but they were slightly off color from the rest, and I noticed a big crack in one of the fronds. Upon closer inspection the leaves were dried out and crispy. I don’t really have any solutions since I assumed it had to do with the heat, so I just crossed my fingers that she would pull through. She made it this far despite the odds! Well this morning I went and checked on her, and the problem looks a lot worse. Now there’s spots of discoloration as well. The other girlie looks perfectly fine. Both of them got topped a couple days ago.

Stress from topping? Heat stress? Nutrient deficiency? What do y’all think?



Plant looks hungry. Small pot full of the best soil ever. Isn't going to feed a weed too long.
So are you saying they need nutes? Because I’ve seen canna-bonsai twice my plants’ size in half as small a container. These girls are small, I dont think they’ve filled the pots yet. Also, is there a nute for veg that i can get from walmart or Ace or Tractor supply or something I don’t feel like driving 30 minutes to a grow supply.


Well-Known Member
It’s been stupid hot. Yesterday had a high of 110 (F) and in the evening it was sitting at 80 until like 10PM. I need help narrowing this down. I think it’s the heat, or a deficiency, or a combo of both.

Tangent: I’m confused about the nutrients because according to a lot of growers, the soil mix I used is one that you just plant the ganja in and water it and it will grow good, but I’m not sure how accurate that claim really is as this is my first experience growing. I don’t believe it’s that easy, although I adversely don’t believe it’s really all that hard. I’m not trying very hard and my plants look fine even if they’re slow and steady. So if someone could clarify to what degree any given soil mix can on its own grow bud that would be sick. I know that the nutrients required are different depending on the stage, but I feel like adding some rooting formula to a mix perfect for vegetative growth and then adding nutes for flowering at the end is ideal for me. If I must I will go buy ALL the nutes, but as of right now I don’t have a job and I don’t like asking for money so I’m trying to work with what I’ve got already.

My plants looked really pretty despite the circumstances. There’s a lot of things I’m not doing “right.” For instance I have made no effort to protect my plants from the aforementioned heat. These plants grew from seed in this heat and they outlived their brethren thus far. I like to think of it as an experiment finding a phenotype that can withstand extreme heats lol… They smell awesome too. I noticed tiny browned tips on the one I’m about to show, but with how minor it was, google says it could be any number of things. I kept an eye on it. It got a little worse. Maybe a copper deficiency based on comparing my plant to others online? But then yesterday I noticed my plant looked off. The leaves that had previously had brown tips were now entirely green, but they were slightly off color from the rest, and I noticed a big crack in one of the fronds. Upon closer inspection the leaves were dried out and crispy. I don’t really have any solutions since I assumed it had to do with the heat, so I just crossed my fingers that she would pull through. She made it this far despite the odds! Well this morning I went and checked on her, and the problem looks a lot worse. Now there’s spots of discoloration as well. The other girlie looks perfectly fine. Both of them got topped a couple days ago.

Stress from topping? Heat stress? Nutrient deficiency? What do y’all think?

Pics:View attachment 5404873View attachment 5404874
Did you spill water drops on the leafs when watering while the lights were on? That's what that looks like to me. Or possibly over watering it?
The question about the pre-nute mixed soil depends on the brand... I think for the size of the pot to the size of the plant is fine now. I don't think it would be a deficiency already, I would guess it's the opposite, you either have the plant in soil that has too much pre-mixed nutes in it so it is burning the plant because it is too small to take what it is being given, or you spilled water on them while watering and the light was on afterwards so the water droplets got magnified and burned where the water was like when you put a magnifying glass under the sun to start a fire...
Any pre mixed soil should have enough nutrients in it to hold your plant good for at least 60-90 days. If you are using fox farm ocean forest soil, that has enough nutrients in it to get away with just watering it. But something like Miracle grow would likely burn your plant over time because it's so small and every time you water it is releasing more nutrients than your plant can handle at a time.
If you want nutrients that work good and aren't too crazy expensive, I used "Flora Nova" it is by general hydroponics I get two bottles. The Flora Nova Veg, and the Flora Nova Bloom. You can get them at the grow store, possibly Walmart, Fred Meyer, or home Depot. But for sure can find it online. They are around $20 each bottle, but will last you probably the whole year if you don't grow a huge farm or something hahaha. I would always just get the Flora Nova veg, the Flora Nova bloom and a bag or two of fox farm ocean forest, and some perlite to mix with the soil to make it more airy and it would be around $50-60 but that was a couple years ago prices probably went up..