Help me hide my ventilation

hello all,

I have a small indoor growroom room in an apartment. right now its summer so i'm venting out the window in the room. my problem is once summer is over I don't really want a hose going out my window anymore (right now I just assume my neighbors think its air an conditioning hose) I want to figure out a way to vent my room without anyone noticing this winter. I have played around with the idea of venting through the dryer outlet or bathroom fan but would rather not since I would have to move it if anyone came to my apartment. does anyone have any advice about concealing my vent? I am new to this so any help is welcomed.

thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
hey thank for using my picture. i looked at it and said that looks like my old back yard.

this is every thing to make a place like that work.

these theads have stuff also.

hose exhaust out side 2nd floor window.

before cardbord light proof with out liteproof or sound proof 1/2" blue foam board

Ever wonder whats on the other side of that window? Here I can show you now, I've moved all the dope except some smoke 1/4 oz.

So look and i'll answer a few queition i would noraly over look.

Every light in the room is on and i did put the black out cover on the window.

edit: i frecked out last summer, i came home for lunch and pant crew were painting every f'n shutter. they did see or smell a thing and the dude was there on a latter. 15 minutes of hell a call in sick the rest on the day just to watch out. if you grow in an apartment you need to be ready for that. wait untill the frozen pipe, shit that was close thank god for locks!
thanks randy,
I just sent you a pm, you could answer my question here if you wanted. did you use any paint on the outside? No joke about the close calls my maintenance man is always sticking his nose around! thanks for all the advice.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
dude I just vent one tent right into the room. It is ok. Another I have and the duct hits a carbon filter sitting up on the ground next to a sliding door.

I live in the desert in an apt. I run ozone. In winter I turn off the fan for warmth! the heat is not that bad. Also I let it blow around the rest of the apt too and disapate.

also I have some portable swamp coolers coming. 60 watts.


Well-Known Member
a plus if you pay for a luxeray apartmet is they have lots plant lots of flowers and bushes they smell stronge all summer as some thing is always in bloom.

you can hide any leeks easer. they do it to hide the smell of other tenants. so take adavage of this.


close to a freeway is good.

it has a nice backgrond noise to help hide the sounds of the fans and ballast.

also the low level vibration from the freeway will cover the vibratins from yor fans. Put you ear to a comon wall some time and list to your fan.


get a back side facing an tree line or an other proptery.
what would be better? running it in to the apt. in the winter or building a box to vent out the window? (like randy's set up) I have been told you need to vent outside is this true?


Well-Known Member
It makes cooling much easier if you vent outside. If you vent into the same room your grow is in than you will be bringing back in that warm air through your intake. I would suggest venting outside


Well-Known Member
basement apartments are natulely cool so try to vent inside first. May be into the next room.

if you have a dryer vent that is a good vent.

you can also vent into the sewer.


Well-Known Member
As Randy mentioned early.. since your renting, youve got to be extra careful.

Ive got a friend who grows at his house, and one day the owners went to go inside bc of some leak in a neighboring apartment or something of the sort, and luckily he changed the locks on the door. He got bitched out for it, but he just explained that if they ever needed to go in his place when he wasnt there, they need to call him ahead of time and he will come let them in.