Help me- Help FDD

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You can get your voting rights back, pretty easily... After parole. Firearms? No love on that, without a pardon (Presidential, for Federal felons.)

Also, you can work in the "real world" not just doing dishes. I worked in a fairly sensitive computer security engineering position, while on parole. Takes a bit more work, but it's no where near impossible.
fdd is not that bad of a guy... be nice to him he is going to be away from his familiy for too long because of a plant..... the real enemy here is s.c.e.!!!!!!! fuck you u dirty mother fuckers... i had to argue withthem for da past over hour they tryed eat up my sec. deposit. cuzz care didnt make there pledge yet.... never had to work so hard for 2 bills in my life... had to cuss out 3 supervisors and shit!!
People should try to avoid promoting having a felony

Who's promoting? When I was sent to prison, a lot of the advise I've offered here would have been great. It would have saved me a lot of time, pain, and further incarceration (earlier parole...) I agree 100% that we shouldn't promote having a felony, but, once it's there, you have to live with it, and other ex-cons are pretty good resources, or can point you in the direction of good resources.

And, a bit more advise for ya, FDD -- ignore the rumor mill. Seriously, whoever said prison's like high school was pretty much spot on -- except all the "girls" in the prison you'll be at have the wrong adapters... When there's tension on the yard/block/whatever, you'll be able to tell. It'll either get really loud and hostile (against guards) or really quiet and a lot of everybody moving in groups (riot or fight coming up.) The biggest favor you can do yourself is walking back to your cell/bunk and taking a nice nap. You'll probably be in lockdown after you wake up, but you won't be charged with anything (fighting/rioting) because you weren't present. If you are around an incident, you can be charged with involvement (conspiracy...) If ordered to the ground, LISTEN! Bullets, batons, dogs, boots, tazers... They all hurt. If you are out and about, on the yard, etc. watch how you interact with guards, because everyone else will be. Don't walk off with a smile on your face and a guard at your side. Don't sneak to the officer's station to have a quiet chat -- you'll be seen and that's dangerous. As long as you keep your "place" (you're an inmate, not an officer) you can just ignore all the "snitch" shit. You're headed to Club Fed. the majority of the people there are snitches (which means, if you do something "illegal" watch out for who knows, like a tattoo, drinking, smoking weed, etc.)

If you DO have a conflict that leads to a fight, you should just throw down. No weapons, just take it to a bathroom or cell, if you win, you've won, walk away. If you get your ass beat, you've fought and will be given a modicum of respect for that. Running from it, or aggravating it with a big crowd or friends is what leads to vendettas. It does happen, not often, but enough that you should be aware. DO NOT Fight on the yard, in chow halls or community/public areas -- that is "inciting an incident" or "inciting a riot." Getting dinged with those, seriously injuring someone, introducing contraband to the prison, visitation violations, those are how you wind up executing more than 85% on the first go...

Good luck, and if you'd like to actually ask me (or the other ex-cons) questions about what to expect, I'm ok with a PM, and I'm sure the rest are, also. My lady told me I'll be writing you.
Just a couple of things. There aren't any "trustee" positions in the Fed system (like in the movies about the old prison system in the south). There are no official conjugal visits in the Fed (BoP, Bureau of Prisons) system either. However, some of the camps have areas that are hard for the guards to watch and sometimes inmates and their visitors go there for a "quickie" and I do mean quick because if they are caught not only does the inmate get in trouble but the visitor can also get into serious trouble. But the main thing is the visiting room at the camp at Sheridan has no such area. It also doesn't have a "yard" (like most of the state prison facilities and a lot of Fed facilities), where inmates/cons gather according to certain unwritten rules: ie blacks in one area, whites in another and hispanics are broken up into two factions, north and southern. Its a very mellow spot. There, at least when I was there, were no serious shot callers, no Brand members whatsoever, a few ABers, a few crips and some bikers but no physical threats whatsoever. Oh, the shower area is an individual stall with a curtain pull for privacy. It has lots of non-violent offenders and lots of snitches get to go there. There are no mass fights, at least when I was there. The law library was small, just a section in the (small) regular library. Generally books get sent in from the outside (paperback only). When you are done reading one, you leave it on a shelf somewhere in a communal areas for the next person to pick up and read. You used to "pay" for haircuts with packs of smokes but I don't believe you can smoke in any Fed prisons now but I am not sure on that. The barber is an inmate whose job is to cut hair but most inmates give him something (a few bucks worth of commisary items). You'll figure it out. You can hire an inmate to keep your area cleaned, iron your khakis etc (you wore khaki shirts and trousers when I was there but I don't know about now), you can hire guys to bring food out of the kitchen for you (hard boiled eggs, oranges, apples, etc.) Its cheap to do that if you like extra stuff. Sheridan is a long way from your home (unless your wife is planning on moving up there). I think there is a camp in Pleasanton but even if its an FCI there I would try to transfer. IMHO But she could become a care provider in Oregon and get compensated by an individual patient (no dispensaries there) I think but I really don't know their laws. I have a relative who lives there and he has a provider who grows his medicine for him (and a couple of other ppl). If you have any specific questions about Sheridan, you can PM me. Just remember that my info, while its from personal experience there (as opposed to "I heard it from a friend who heard it from another friend", etc.) is from 20 or so years ago. A lot may have changed by now.

Good Luck to you and yours!

Oh. At the Camp, there are no armed guard towers there, no double rows of razor wire etc. There are guards present but they are unarmed except for a walkie-talkie with a panic button on it. It makes for lots less tension.
Good luck fdd. You will be in the thoughts of many of us here. I'll be watching for the info on how to get some money into your account once you're in.
the camp in pleasanton is 'women only'. there is one up by reno and one down by santa barbara. it's a 12 hour drive from my house to sheridan. my wife is going to try to make it up once or twice a year. i think it may help the time go by faster. it will give me something to look forward to as well.

i'm a pretty mellow guy and do my best to avoid BS. i don't really "like" people so i tend to avoid them. i'm quiet, i keep to myself and have no desire to get involved in pissing matches. i spent 4 months in county in IL, while this was all going down, and i walked out with a clean card. which is pretty hard to do there. some of the rules there were just silly. i'm not too worried about fights or conflict. i mostly just want to go in and sleep and read. it sounds like i have to work all day though so that won't be happening.

i mostly worried about the first month or so. having to figure out all the rules and routines. i'm hoping my best to get into RDAP asap. i think once i do that things will fall into place. i'm glad i get email access. with the amount of people wishing to correspond with me that should help a lot. phone calls home will be few and far between, simply due to financial reasons.

i have done some searching online and have heard that sheridan is about as chill as it can get. in a weird way i'm looking forward to getting there and just getting this all over with. i think i'm more concerned with the 3 years probation afterwards, than i am about the actual time there.
the camp in pleasanton is 'women only'. there is one up by reno and one down by santa barbara. it's a 12 hour drive from my house to sheridan. my wife is going to try to make it up once or twice a year. i think it may help the time go by faster. it will give me something to look forward to as well.

i'm a pretty mellow guy and do my best to avoid BS. i don't really "like" people so i tend to avoid them. i'm quiet, i keep to myself and have no desire to get involved in pissing matches. i spent 4 months in county in IL, while this was all going down, and i walked out with a clean card. which is pretty hard to do there. some of the rules there were just silly. i'm not too worried about fights or conflict. i mostly just want to go in and sleep and read. it sounds like i have to work all day though so that won't be happening.

i mostly worried about the first month or so. having to figure out all the rules and routines. i'm hoping my best to get into RDAP asap. i think once i do that things will fall into place. i'm glad i get email access. with the amount of people wishing to correspond with me that should help a lot. phone calls home will be few and far between, simply due to financial reasons.

i have done some searching online and have heard that sheridan is about as chill as it can get. in a weird way i'm looking forward to getting there and just getting this all over with. i think i'm more concerned with the 3 years probation afterwards, than i am about the actual time there.

you will be thankful you have to work all day... reading and sleeping gets old has fuck. your time will go by real fast.... you got this...:wink:
there is a website to send money directly to me while i'm in prison, you'll need my name and inmate # though. i won't post it publicly, but the mods and staff members have it. or you can PM this account and either i or my wife will help with the info.

i'm not going to openly beg for money, but every little bit helps. ;)

I have learned so much from you and sub and others on the website that a little donation wouldnt be asking much, I have gotten to where i am at as a grower because of you guys and would be a debt in the process of repaying ;-)
All you guys are promoting it. Do you know how much it costs us to have somebody in a white collar rich boy prison for a day?
Quit talkin' about going to prison like it's not so bad.
we are trying to make another humans time a little easier. it isnt about money and it certainly isnt about promoting that going to prison is a good hting. I am sure FDD and his family will attest that the last year and the next 3 will not be very pleasurable and with a little comfort from friends here on RIU and that he knows personally, well I dont think thats a bad thing.
Get off your high horse and have a toke
fuck not being able to vote or own a gun, stay out of jail and prison is the only advice worth giving on the subject.

not to mention employment will be out of the question forever. You can wash dishes.

Oh well shit then I guess it's all good. fuck it

People should try to avoid promoting having a felony

All you guys are promoting it. Do you know how much it costs us to have somebody in a white collar rich boy prison for a day?
Quit talkin' about going to prison like it's not so bad.

Dude, this is America. We have the nicest fucking prisons in the world!

If you have more than like 1 or two posts per day on any internet forum you need to reevaluate your life a great deal.

You have a point there.
the camp in pleasanton is 'women only'. there is one up by reno and one down by santa barbara. it's a 12 hour drive from my house to sheridan. my wife is going to try to make it up once or twice a year. i think it may help the time go by faster. it will give me something to look forward to as well.

i'm a pretty mellow guy and do my best to avoid BS. i don't really "like" people so i tend to avoid them. i'm quiet, i keep to myself and have no desire to get involved in pissing matches. i spent 4 months in county in IL, while this was all going down, and i walked out with a clean card. which is pretty hard to do there. some of the rules there were just silly. i'm not too worried about fights or conflict. i mostly just want to go in and sleep and read. it sounds like i have to work all day though so that won't be happening.

i mostly worried about the first month or so. having to figure out all the rules and routines. i'm hoping my best to get into RDAP asap. i think once i do that things will fall into place. i'm glad i get email access. with the amount of people wishing to correspond with me that should help a lot. phone calls home will be few and far between, simply due to financial reasons.

i have done some searching online and have heard that sheridan is about as chill as it can get. in a weird way i'm looking forward to getting there and just getting this all over with. i think i'm more concerned with the 3 years probation afterwards, than i am about the actual time there.

Re "Working": You will be assigned a job, but no one works hard inside ("It's Prison Man WTF!", lol) Its not gonna be like you are in the outside world shoveling concrete for a living. You won't even break a sweat, if you don't want to. And no guard is gonna push you to work faster. For the easiest work at Sheridan, find an orderly in your housing unit who needs the money, offer him $20 or so a month (was $10 or so when I was inside, basically 2 or 3 times what the BoP pays him normally) for him to do your work if he gets you an orderly job. [Or whatever number works but it will be dirt cheap. It used to be $10 per month for someone to do my laundry weekly and $ 0.50 per item for ironing.] He'll get you the next unit orderly job that comes vacant. There were no computers inside when I was there but I paid one of the inmate clerks to type briefs for me, it was cheap also.

Re: Probation afterwards. That normally is a cake walk for any "non tweeker". Even with the drug testing that they are gonna make you do. (Remember the body tests positive for marijuana for a long time after you use it (30 days? I think but don't know). Bad thing is your probation will be handled out of your local town and that town is such a small community. If you were out of LA or anywhere big it would be easier because they have all the nasty violent parolees to deal with and they kinda let the mellow ones slide a bit. A friend of mine from the LA area got out the same time as me and, where I had to report in every week, they switched him to monthly almost immediately. Buts its easy so don't sweat it. Except for no marijuana usage (unless the Fed legalizes it by then).

Whats "RDAP" btw?
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