Help me grow stealthy


Active Member
I am finally going to be able to grow after being interested for over a year. I need my system to be as stealthy as possible and am looking to grow at least 2 plants at a time. I am thinking it would be better for me to grow in some sort of chamber that i can cover or hide from anyone noticing. At this point I have a million ideas and no experience.
If anyone is down to help me in designing this from the ground up any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance


Active Member
well if you are going to grow that small you might want to get your hands on some feminized seeds so you wont have to be wasting your time on males.

you can pritty much grow pot anywhere. in your attic(needs cooling if you live in hot arreas) to cabnets that have ben hollowed out. even speaker amps (big ones)

next thing is how much money your working with. if you have the money to shell out for a little hps light then you would get higher yeilds for 2 plants than you would have if you would have gone with cfl's

do some reserch about how you want to grow. give us the info and then we can better help you

good luck


Well-Known Member
Well first off before we can tell you anything which would be easier for you to grow, Inside or Outside? Because depending on that I could tell you tons of strategies.


Active Member
I plan to grow indoors in a closet. I read all about the aerogarden last night and that seemed like a decent route. I'd much rather try and build something stealthier tho. I will set aside around 200 dollars for this attempt. I would love to grow soiless somehow to increase yield but am not sure its as sneaky. I plan to go ahead and get a good light either mhd or sodium or both. And I'm definitely going with feminized seeds. I just need a safe place to put them
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Active Member
after doing some more research on here I have realized that I am going to be best off with a cabinet around 2'x3'x3' or somewhere there about. It would be a wooden cabinet that would blend in as a piece of furniture but I could keep people from touchingor sitting on. Cutting the top so I can access from above seems the most convenient.

As far as lighting goes I will hook up 3 cfls as well as I can afford because I want my plants to have solid yields for the space. I will rig the lights in some way where they can be raised easily.

I am certainly going to need as little odor as possible so I'm planning on going with the $140 Ozone generator. If this isn't sufficient I will try something new.

Since this is my first grow I suppose soil will be the best bet for my purpose. I plan to keep the soil healthy and at a constant ph level.

The part of the system that I am lacking any knowledge of is the ventilation. I want to keep heat near 78 but I am unsure how I can design a system to ventilate that doesn't have external parts on my cabinet? And I need to find out if the ventilating will be a obvious sign that a grow is going on?


Well-Known Member
Unfourtnatly your 2x3x3 probly isnt big say go for atleast 4 or 5 feet high..and what kind of 3 cfls..they need to have a cool white spectrum and how many plants are you say you can grow 2 plants with the 3 at most..and i think thats a good call on the ozone generator but you need to be careful about it burning your plants, you need to have it on a timer..and with the ventilation not having any external afraid your out of luck with that..but good luck my man


Well-Known Member
use a couple larger totes... the ones that sell for about $15 at walmart

bottom one could be a water reservoir with pump/pumps pvc, and sprayers etc etc...

top one could house your plants with all equipment housed in there comfortably(would still house hps ballast outside) then vent out hot air from light...

copy and scale up something like this... except instead of foil or mylar I'd buy elastomeric paint and cover the inside with it or cover cardboard with it and line that around the inside.

add a diy activated carbon filter, hps lighting, cooltube and inline duct fan then you have a nice setup... stack other things on top of it to make it looks as though it belongs and is acting as storage or in my case the table for my printer.

use a supplement called bushmaster in last 4 days of vegetation around 2 feet SPARINGLY and it will stop your plants from going over 3 feet guaranteed and will instead grow outwards and bushy(this is a great thing).

as far as cooling another possibility would be to have part of the bottom tub top cut out to act as a ventilation with a fan there(be sure not to let light into reservoir) and to have the water filled with ice... this could cause some possible PH problems as it is dissolved but would be worth trying.

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Well-Known Member
oh yeah and about the cfls...use cool white spectrum for veg and a red spectrum for flowering (i think)


Active Member
thanks for all the replies.
potlike- i think that that will be the best system for my use. I think it would be easier for me to just grow in soil tho like the original grower with this system did. If i could duplicate what he did with that i would be extremely satisfied.

What feminized strain would be best for this kind of grow?


Well-Known Member
high yield small plants ?? go with the church I am getting ready to grow it right now... and have great expectations for it.



Active Member
wow the church really does have a high predicted yield. that looks like the best strain ive seen for my needs.

I want to tie down my plants and train them somehow so I can fill up my growing area as dense as possible. What is the best method for this? And how exactly is it done?

I apologize if I am asking newb questions. I have done research but would love to have the information all in one place so I can plan out my grow well.
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Well-Known Member
read about a supplement called bushmaster by humboldt county's own.... if you use this supplement make sure you do it in very small doses at is very powerful... but it will stop vertical growth on plants produce short internodes and lots of buds in a SHORTER flowering period than normal.

optional: using this product along with kelp extract will yield even better results.

ask all the questions you want... people have to learn somewhere and if you are seeking out things on your own as well that is great too
