Help Me God! Pre-flowers on My Outdoors, What Can I Do?(norcal)

dammit ive had 3 power skunks and a haze, hawiian snow from ghs out since about 4/20 maybe a few days earlier but not much, they were clones from my indoor plants which are almost done anyways, i cloned em inside and put em out and they were veggin just fine until i look at today and see preflowers all over the joint, and i dont know what to say

ill try and get pics up but can anything be done? can i put them under extra artificial lighting and hope they reveg, i just dont get it they were gettin 10 hours of direct sunlight 9am to 7pm, which i know is decently good, the time before 9am after 7pm they were shaded but its still light out

did i put em out too early? i did add some flowering bat guano at the bottom of my soil when i mixed it b/c i was gonna keep em in the same pots, iam so frustrated i felt like kicking them

since the days are getting longer it would prob. hurt (hermie) to keep em outside full schedule wouldnt it? should i just accept it and induce flowering early, u know bring em in at 8am and 8pm, or should i hope its b/c of crappy weather and hope they reveg, fuuuuuuucccccccccckkkkkk me i cant believe it, ill try and get pics, thanks for any advice

one last question to anyone whos read this (thanks btw) would it be a good idea to transplant them now into bigger bags, there in 2 gals right now, gonna go to 4-5 depending on how soil i get, my logic was thinkin that this could stunt it a little bit, then as the days get longer and it become more like summertime they'll reveg.........someone help iam freakin out! lol thanks


Active Member
if your just showing preflowers you should be ok just give them a nitrogen boost and let them be, if your trying to keep them small ya you should up to at least a 5gal, if your not worried about size go bigger! are you in cali or another state? if your in cali your golden to just leave em alone and give a nitro boost. days are significantly getting longer and those girls will reveg, and to your last question it might stunt them alittle but once they catch the veg cycle they will spurt up like no other! o ya i doubt it will hermie, ive stressed plants before alot worse than revegging it takes alot for a plant to go hermie
if your just showing preflowers you should be ok just give them a nitrogen boost and let them be, if your trying to keep them small ya you should up to at least a 5gal, if your not worried about size go bigger!
yea well ive seen your plants and backyard and your growing monsters compared to me, iam just shooting for 3-4 oz a plant

are you in cali or another state? if your in cali your golden to just leave em alone and give a nitro boost. days are significantly getting longer and those girls will reveg, and to your last question it might stunt them alittle but once they catch the veg cycle they will spurt up like no other! o ya i doubt it will hermie, ive stressed plants before alot worse than revegging it takes alot for a plant to go hermie
yea man iam in norcal, bay area region, so u think they'll reveg huh? thats great news b/c i was planning on just inducing early, i was like damn, but what do u think will happen from here? what if the budsites continue to develop, i think were in the same region so our weather patterns match


Active Member
most of the clones i get are from fem'd seeds as well! actually all the seed plants i have right now are all fem'd seeds that i will be taking clones off of. and most of my buddies that i get clones from dont like messing with regular seeds unless they bred em themselves. but as far as revegging yes just let em be! they should be fine. you might/ most likely will experience a weird state when you plant will produce single leaves. it looks funny but dont worry thats just telling you they are revegging. user65379pic19467212555.jpg


Yeah samething was and still is happening to mine i just put them out may 1st or so and the oldest already started flowering do you think that will go away? 1 out of the 4 is really starting to flower and the others just got that preflower look to all the bud sites
^where u at man?

man i hope my plants reveg and all, but i sure hope they go through some awkward phase where ill be losing out on precious veg time, i may need to get new clones

which brings me to my next question, (sorry but i gotta pick your brain) so all the vegging thats been done since they went out will go towards the development of those buds(hence the pic you showed, awkward phase) and then new veggin will appear and thats whats going towards this fall harvest? thanks a bunch


Well-Known Member
i have first first hand experience my friend. Same thing happend last year and this year with a few of mine. What i do is literally chop the the very tips off the buds. anyway this creates like 100 new shoots that grow and become bushes!! Be patient my friend, come mid june they will turn around and start re-vegging, July and August you will have prime vegg time to get good growth.
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Well-Known Member
i have revegged a lot of plants. Do not worry for a second. Leave them out there, transplant them -- they will catch up. They will unravel those buds and be super branchy all naturally.. Just hit em up with nitrogen like normal in veg.
so not to worry...


Well-Known Member
many of mine went into bud early this year and I've just been pinching buds off and dosing with b52 and maxi grow .. full doses every 2 days and things seem to be fine. I'm up to 1" of growth a day and hope to be up to 2" soon.


Active Member
Same thing here and another funky day in beautiful northern ca. Worst year for funky rainy weather I can remember in 35 years. Glad to hear the girls will turn around with no long term damage.
^ yea awesome to hear, thought i was gonna have to start over again, i know i put em out early but i made a rookie mistake (second outdoor grow), i was thinking b/c they were gettin enough direct sunlight they'd be ok, i wasnt factoring in complete sunlight and darkness hours, but hey live and learn, good teaching exp.
hey guys great news, i check on the plant this morning and it loooks like its growing new leave sets out of the bud forming spots, looks like it reveggin already! looks kinda wierd but as long as it realizes its almost june ill be happy, so iam goin to flush it later, try and get all those flowering nutes out, its been growin for about a month so id assume everything in the soil's is close to being used (fox farm ocean forest + marine cusine also from ff) so will add a nitro boost, thanks for all your help! riu comes through again


Well-Known Member
You will see that some reveg's take off. Check out my last post and you will see that the 2 Redwood Kush's that I have are reveg's from single buds that I snipped during the middle of flower. :D You will be fine.


Active Member
out of all the plants in the past that have flowered early in the season once they re veg they do have a tendency to have a crazy growth spurt, almost if the plant is trying to make up for lost time lol