Help Me Get Started On a Small Stealth Grow, Please.


Active Member
to keep the fan noise down use 4"/6" pc fans i recently built a new grow cupboard and have 3 pc fans for intake and 4 for outtake worked out about £13 deliverd



I'll give this the reply it deserves when I go on break but I wanted to mention that the armoire will be in our master bedroom, which is the furthest location from foot traffic.

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member


Active Member
i have never use any filters on my grow i as i vent outside but i dont think they would have the power to suck through a filter

depending on how much you spend on the and some of the lil 4" ones put out some air like the old ones i had done 40cfm so i had 120cfm off 3 fans

i have a cupboard about 4ft L 5ft H 2ft W and only run 4 of the 6 fans and on hot days put the other 2 fans on and have never had a heat problem and i have a 600w light

also i have used tuble dryer sheets so block smells in the the past and i also grow lavender and mint in the same room to the weed but a different cupboard never really had any smell problems even my girlfriend dosent know i gro and she has never noticed any smells


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input, should have thought of that myself but that's why I'm here. The second picture also gave me the idea to swap out the handles on the armoire for door handles that I can look to keep busybodies away, just in case.

I think I'm going to give those t5 lights a chance. Does everyone pretty much agree one 6400k and one 5400k for veg and two 3000k for flowering?
I agree with your choice of T5's, your choice of 3000K lamps for flowering is fine, that's what I use, if you can I'd swap the 5400K with 6500K you'll get a better grow if not you should be ok with 5400K you'll just get a lessor yield.


Thanks again for all of the advice.

I know this is a long walk away from where I started this thread but I would like to get some input on this idea so please bare with me. What does everyone think about going with a gorilla grow cabinet (2X4) with the light in the picture below? I'll need to do some more research before making all the fan/ventilation decisions.


Definitly would appreciate some feedback on this from someone with experience using either of those things. I've read strong reviews for the gorilla grow tent. Also read good things about the lights but there was a suspect article. Just curious about the quality of the lights and the specs for the price. I'm so new that I honestly don't know if that's overkill, under kill or what. Any help is good help :)


Well-Known Member
You can do a cool tube 400 watt hid or even 600, or just do cfl's in same wattage's (actual watts, not equivalent.) , HID is the way to max out yields though, kinda pricey i just bought my first 1000 watter today, converting from a cfl grow. Shit cost me $250 shipped with all the fixins. not to mention ill need at least 1 pulling hardcore fan (50-100 dollars) on top of it to get the heat out (if I'm running at the full 1000 watts). besides the lights, i recommend soil for first grow, as im doing ok with it, so anyone can. Fox farm has good shit, light warrior for clones / seedlings, and ocean Forrest for adults. For nutes, I went with the fox farm trio, grow big, tiger bloom, and uh... the other one, just google the FF trio lol... kinda drunk right now. Don't know if youll have a separate veg area, but i advise to do this, as you can keep a steady flow of clones this way and not have to go from seed, or bloom everything u got every time. for seeds, i started with bag seed and (luckily one male out of 5 plants) but you might not get as lucky, if you got the money, you cant beat feminized seeds, if your worried about ordering, (like i am), just stick with bag seed, with luck and proper steps you should still end up with good smoke. according to your diamentions, i would try to stick to indicas, or you will soon find yourself running short of room with sativas (these bitches are huge! and bloom wayyyyyy slower, about twice as long). for soil grow as noted, youll still need to PH your water, i just ph tap water... get that shit to 6.5 , requires another investment (ph up and down from a hydro shop, or baking soda, and lemon juice ghetto style) either way, still money. you will probably not have to ph your soil since FF comes 6.2-6.8 ph anyways, so if you put in 6.5 or close to it (water/nutes), should even everything out and hopefully (cross your fingers) youll have no nute problems, BUT even if you fuck up everything PH wise, youll be in SOIL so your plants may suffer, but not like bullet to the head suffer and straight up DIE from neglect like they will with hydro. buy a PH PEN! I am still using a effing color chart for mine, and once you add nutes to your water, my eyes seem to go retarded with the cloudiness. So ive heard milwakee makes a good stick, go with that, i will be shortly. they have a 20 dollar one, and then ones that go 100 + depending on your budget, i would go with whatever fits budget or even the color testers if your going as ghetto as possible, cause the world is a mean greedy place lol.

Basically here is the breakdown... READ YOUR ASS OFF, on here, buy books, articles, blah blah blah...
soil - 50 bucks
lights 100-250 bucks
buckets, tarps, trashbags, tape, screws, etc... 50 bucks
FANS!!! - 50 bucks
nutes, and ph gear, 60-120 bucks ish.

plus whatever else, so your looking at a good investment of atleast 500 bucks or so, and thats assuming you have the power you need, extention chords, breakers and electric lines big enough, some basic hand or power tools etc, and will need no building supplys to construct your room. If all that comes into play, you could be well over 1000 dollars. If you follow this, i would estimate atleast 750-1000 for everything you REALLY need, if your going ghetto like i was for the first part of the grow, you can add 100 here, 100 there, but it still ends up being the same at the end.

I'm a newb like you though so take this with a grain of salt, Ive passed on everything i know as far as set ups goes, so good luck my friend, i hope your experiance with cannabis is a pleasant one (like it could be unpleasant, hahahaha)...


Man, I've been reading so much that its ridiculous. I'm still trying to find a few grows that have used either a 2x4 or 2x2.5 gorilla grow tent. Also having trouble determining if LEDs are "good" enough for what a small grow like what I want (other advantages like less heat also play a factor in this because I want to keep the fans as quiet as possible).

Those inline fans stay pretty quiet? I understand that I will need to mount it outside of whatever set up I go with.