Help Me Fuck With This Cop

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
So basically i have the number of an undercover agent who is posing as a drug dealer. So far I have got 1 call and 1 text from this number telling me of the "crazy shit" hes got and his "bomb thunder cush" (yea that's how he spelt it in the text).

I could just ignore this bacon fat motherfucker, but I really feel the need to mess with this a-hole for trying to get me arrested/fined/suspended from uni.

Any ideas on how I could really get this guy without getting in any legal trouble?

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I would pass his number around my circle as a "warning do not believe this guy", short of that i would leave it alone. seems like a good way to have an entire police force climb up your ass...quick
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Well-Known Member
You really cant do 'shit' to a cop. The best thing to do would be to post his Name, His Number, his picture and any screen names of whatever websites he visits.

basically get the word out that he is a popo.

I would think all that social networking bullshit should come in handy for something.

Just send out a tweet or whatever you kids do. lol


Well-Known Member
Police can bust you for selling to them but they can't advertise and then sell to you - that is entrapment. I'm going to have to call bullshit on this.

If it is a cop go buy from him and then get him fired for selling pot. Really, police cannot temp you into doing something illegal in order to arrest you. Very illegal on their behalf.


New Member
If you can guarantee he's a cop, call him to buy drugs. Set up a meeting. Go to another police force and tell them that someone will be selling you drugs here at this time and have them arrest the other cop.

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
I would pass his number around my circle as a "warning do not believe this guy", short of that i would leave it alone. seems like a good way to have an entire police force climb up your ass...quick
Haha the uni police have been all over my ass since last year actually but they can't catch me doing anything. Couple days ago I had a cruiser litteraly follow me walking from the parking lot all the way to my dorm which is about a 5 min walk, he circled around me and everything but when he came close I just stared him down and he didn't say anything. Think he was just trying to scope me out; which is stupid. I'm no criminal or anything, nor do I even sell anymore, not even to friends. And it's not like I'm some shady motherfucker, I look like a normal student.

But yes, I will spread the word to other people I think he may have contacted.


Well-Known Member
Police can bust you for selling to them but they can't advertise and then sell to you - that is entrapment. I'm going to have to call bullshit on this.

If it is a cop go buy from him and then get him fired for selling pot. Really, police cannot temp you into doing something illegal in order to arrest you. Very illegal on their behalf.
They do this on cops all the time. They set up a cop to deal on the corner, wait till people show up to buy, then they surrond them. If the buyer is in a car he/she just forfeited it to the local police dept. Ive seen em do it with Pot, Crack, Coke and Meth. They can and will set up fake deals to bust you.


Well-Known Member
If you can guarantee he's a cop, call him to buy drugs. Set up a meeting. Go to another police force and tell them that someone will be selling you drugs here at this time and have them arrest the other cop. about a drug sting going

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
Police can bust you for selling to them but they can't advertise and then sell to you - that is entrapment. I'm going to have to call bullshit on this.

If it is a cop go buy from him and then get him fired for selling pot. Really, police cannot temp you into doing something illegal in order to arrest you. Very illegal on their behalf.
Yes, I realize this. But at no point did he say the words "weed" , "drugs", "buy", "sell" or anyhitng like that. the closest he's come is "crazy shit" and "cush" lol. And this guy was very direct, telling me exactly where he lived and to "tell all my friends"...."if they're straight". He must have said "if they're straight" like 5 times. But believe me I can tell this is 5-0, i had them texting me last year trying to bust me for dishing

Oh, and the location he said he lives at is litteraly 1 block from the police station.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Setup a big deal and call the police on him :lol: just make sure noone really know what is happening and hopefully the police will give one of their own team a bit of blunt force trauma with the concrete :lol:


New Member
Police can bust you for selling to them but they can't advertise and then sell to you - that is entrapment. I'm going to have to call bullshit on this.

If it is a cop go buy from him and then get him fired for selling pot. Really, police cannot temp you into doing something illegal in order to arrest you. Very illegal on their behalf.

BS...they call it a reverse sting and you can watch it everyday on television....if you thnik they will say they approached you, you are too high...they will lie and say that you initiated the communications...just give out his number to everyone telling them what and who he is...btw how did the popo get your number?:wall:



Well-Known Member
They do this on cops all the time. They set up a cop to deal on the corner, wait till people show up to buy, then they surrond them. If the buyer is in a car he/she just forfeited it to the local police dept. Ive seen em do it with Pot, Crack, Coke and Meth. They can and will set up fake deals to bust you.
On cops they have stings. So a prostitute sting is a female cop on the corner but she cant ask you if you want a bj for money, you HAVE to ask her first before they can arrest you. A fake john can pick a prostitute up but the pro has to state the terms and that it is for money before they can arrest her. They can stand on the corner and if you ask them for drugs they can arrest you - if they ask you if you want drugs you can have them arrested. It is all about who initiates it (you have to in order to be arrested). Watch cops a bit closer and you will notice this.

Every now and then they will bust someone and then have that person (a non police) call their dealer and have him bring drugs to a location - again the cops aren't asking to buy drugs. In stings where some drug dealer walks into a room with a suitcase of blow the situation is a bit different as it has been set-up through other means way before hand and is usually part of a longer investigation.

I love kids watching cops though and thinking they know the law.

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
btw how did the popo get your number?
One of my buddies recently got busted but I didn't know at the time; I texted him for bud and the police probed his phone for anyone texting him about drugs. Then they call and say they're "taking over" for my buddy. When I tried asking what happened to him he just started talking over me and avoided the question.


Undercover Mod
I would say cover your ass and don't mess with him. Maybe get a new phone. Messing with him is just gonna get him on ur case hard. I would avoid messign with him and don't even mention buying anything.

They can get u just for soliciting the sale if u try to setup a buy.