LST is the bomb! Some string, some rubber bands and some time trimming & training. The benefit is that light is available all the way to the lowest parts of the plant. So, in turn I am now growing 21 tops instead of just one main cola.cant wait to try lst....hows it workin for you?? would you say its better than growing straight up...i have a purple urkle seed i wanna try it with.
maybe you should paint your thumbs green,and try to fool your that light,your plants are gonna streeeeeeeeeeetch...good luck..!
if i lower the light anymore, it might burn the plants?
so.. should i be putting the light on the side somehow?
alright. well. to start off, i'm new (as hell) to rollitup & growing. i know i'm a female, and should have some sort of a green thumb - but, i don't.. and i'm just starting out, out of boredom and brokeness. so, please bare with me if i don't exactly know the names of shhhiiatt, and so on.
i pretty much got stoned one night & decided that weed is getting way to expensive, & i wanted to experiment a little. my set-up is cheap & ghetto because i'm close to poor.
i spent about $4 on the soil [2 bags - yeah, it was cheap as hell and i had a coupon!] soil brand is called "GOOD EARTH", and is produced locally. it is POTTING SOIL (who knows if that was okay to use, but it was cheap). bag says prepared for all plants indoor and outdoor. has the little white styrophome beads in it (i don't know what they're called).
i germinated a shit-load of seeds [like 15 or so] in a paper-towel & a tubba-wear. not some crazy weed, just some bud-spot seeds. probably schwagg? but grade A schwagg. i only winded up planting about 9 of them [due to my parinoidness]. so.. here i am, with 9 little pot plants growing pretty strong (?) - maybe, they are; this is where it get's iffy - i've never done this before, so i'm not sure if they're healthy or what. i really don't have pictures right now, but.. to describe everything..
120 volt / 60 hz [? have no idea if that's the way to describe it] energy savers unlimited light is what i'm using. pretty sure it's used for reptiles. but, my friend gave it to me for free - & like i said, i'm broke.. and i wanna grow weed. it looks accurate, though. & my plants ARE growing. they also get a lot of sunlight, because they are in good range of a big window. QUESTION ONE: is this an okay light to use? if it's not, what should i be using.
.. the plants are actually really good looking. i planted one a lot earlier than the others, and that one seems to be doing the best. it has it's four leaves, and the edged/divited ones have dropped a bit lower than the other two. so, in my opinion they ARE growing.
as for my "grow space" .. it's my kitchen. (yeah, tell me about it). i will eventually find a new, "better/secluded" spot. but, for now.. i love cooking dinner with my plants [haha]. well. it consists of all the plants in 2 liters of coke (cleaned, & cut a little shorter; so everything will be easy to maintain). then, over-all .. they are all sitting in a huge tub-like plastic container (so my kitchen floor doesn't get dirty). i water them once or twice a day with a little syringe and distilled water.
QUESTION 2: how much water should my plants be getting?
QUESTION 3: what can i do to improve my plants? [chemical-wise]
QUESTION 4: about how long until i can smoke it?
QUESTION 5: i often blow weed smoke on them, because someone said that was a good thing to do. is this true?
QUESTION 6: what am i doing wrong, that i can fix for real cheap [i mean..].
QUESTION 7: what will i need in the long run for these plants to survive?
QUESTION 8: if i grow this weed in my basement, will it get a funny smell/taste? someone said it's not good to grow in an unfinished basement.
so, please people.. give me input, critisizim, anything.. just HELP! questions and comments are grealy appreciated. i'm confused. my plants are growing, but i just feel like i'm supposed to be doing more than just watering them!
So many people ask questions that if they took a minute and did some reading, they would figure it out. I am not being an ass, I just said do some reading.KAL EL..... ever try not being a jack ass??? this website is for people who need help if your not going to help someone or obviously said she has been reading this site and soaking it up like a sponge.... we dont need your .02 cents if you arent gonna be any help