Help me Diagnose whats wrong

Hello I'm new to rollitup, also I'm new to growing. This is my test run of growing some :leaf:.

The plant is being grown outdoors and gets a full day of sun, watered regularly. It is about 2 months old and up to this point hasn't had any problems.

Now here is where I think the problem starts. I noticed that the growth had pretty much stopped about a week ago the bottom leaves started to discolor, so I replanted to a bigger container, figuring that the roots had no where else to go. Since then nothing has changed, except for more leaves discoloring.

I came on here and started to read a little bit and I have read that during the grow cycle the plant likes a fertilizer high in nitrogen. Like 20-5-5, but because this was just a test run , I've been using what I have at home, which is a liquid all purpose food 8-7-6.

I have read the Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

Nitrogen: Entire plant is light green in color; lower leaves are yellow; growth is stunted....

and that kinda fits my diagnosis... except for the whole plant being light green. The lower leaves are turning yellow

what do you think ?

and is the solution as simple as changing fertilizers ?

where do I go from here :bigjoint:

The picture outdoors is 4 days ago still in the old container when the secondary level of leaves started to discolor. The rest were taken today.



Well-Known Member
this is what i would do, put plant in a container that is about 10 times bigger than that and put some good soil in it like fox farm. did you notice if the roots were wet and mushy when u transplanted? it appears you could have root rot if you have been overwatering and the roots are all balled up in that tiny container. is it very hot where you live? could be heat doing that if its over 95 F outside


Well-Known Member
What kind of dirt is it in? The first pic looks like it needs to be fed. Possible root bound if it isn't it will be soon. Transplant plant into at least a 5 gallon pot of some good dirt that is good and compatible to growing weed if you put it in some Miracle Gro you'll mess it up. After transplanting it should clear up nicely.:eyesmoke:


Weed Modifier
What kind of dirt is it in? The first pic looks like it needs to be fed. Possible root bound if it isn't it will be soon. Transplant plant into at least a 5 gallon pot of some good dirt that is good and compatible to growing weed if you put it in some Miracle Gro you'll mess it up. After transplanting it should clear up nicely.:eyesmoke:
I agree with almost everything... just not the part about Miracle grow though?
First of all thanks for the reply guys

@capncash - when transplanting the roots weren't that bad , not really mushy. if you look at the outdoor pic, you notice that under the container there is like a drain water catching thing, after draining, the water would just sit there - STUPID yes i know , i have now taken that away.

- I live in ontario, Canada temperatures do range from 86 °F to just around 100°F some days.

@ Ghetto grower - I used what i had, which was a gardening triple mix with bone meal or something like that :/

I'm planning on repotting to a bigger container again tommorrow, I guess i will have to research what soil is good around my area.

And the nutes? should I wait to see what happens after transplant? or feed right away?


Well-Known Member
Transplant plant into at least a 5 gallon pot of some good dirt that is good and compatible to growing weed if you put it in some Miracle Gro you'll mess it up.

Why would you give false info???

Does this plant look like it is dieing or going to die?Shoulda seen it a week and half before it went into ....MG.Got finished pics of it also,and a few other plants that grew fine to harvest also.

I don't get the MG bullshit.

If your gonna transplant just give it a bit and see what she does.Still a good lookin plant non the less.



Well-Known Member
over watering (our plants like dry-wet cycles), lack of Nitrogen or PH problem in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
hmm, your basil and your cosmos look fine - why the cannabis! WHYY! first up i see no draining amendments in your soil - it looks very dense, but that doesnt seem to be a problem since your plant was fine up until a few days ago. i have very rarely seen a plant's downward progression happen that fast. root rot and overwatering seem unlikely because you would see major drooping and discolouration far before it got that bad. the only things i know to kill a plant that fast while you staring right at it are heat and NUTRIENT BURN. that looks like a prime case of bad burn to me - dark discolouration, dry dying bottom leaves, stunted new growth and wilting wile everything else seems normal.
what is your complete feeding schedual - how much/how often. if you are using full strength label nutrients this is probably going to kill your plant. cannabis is like a child eating icecream - they'll eat until they puke. but plants cant puke out nutrients so they just die. you need to slowly work your way up to full strength. but seeing as i have no clue how much youve actually been giving her, this is all speculation.
nonetheless, i hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
oh i forgot to say what to do - flush like your plants' life depended on it. in fact i think it does.
in any case, loads and loads of fresh water arn't going to hurt your plant anyway
good luck !


Well-Known Member
This isn't even your trend! How do we knows that in mg? your give out the false info!
What ever......just by your dumb ass statement that MG will kill his shit shows your just about one of the dumbest fucks in captivity how about that.I see you all over like your a weed doctor or some thing.

Have you ever grown in MG??????You probably to cool for that.
@ ylem - because this was just a test run, I was using what I had, which was a liquid all-purpose food 8-7-6, and I followed the instructions on the back of the bottle, a few drops into every time I watered, which was only when the soil dried out, every 2-3 days.

Today in the morning I just used water to try to flush everything out, I'm going to buy new soil and better nutes, replant to a bigger container late in the evening,
Good News - I picked up some new soil today. African Violet Mix, read somewhere that it was good.

Bad News - Discovered a new spot on one of the leaves, so its still not getting better.

Also I picked up some nutrients not sure if they are good or not, Its Miracle Grow All Purpose Plant Food - 24-8-16. I couldn't really find anything else, there was some Evergreen, Trees, and shrub fertilizer that was 30-10-10 but wasn't sure about that.

I'm gonna prepare the soil and repot later today. what do you guys think ?

2011-07-16 15.32.41RED.jpg2011-07-16 15.38.22.jpg


Well-Known Member
pot looks plenty big enough but bigger cant hurt........i still say give it epsom salts or magnesium in some form.........
@del6666 - after repotting and new nutes, if it still doesn't get better i will look into your idea. Aren't epsom salts regular table salt ? and where would i go about getting magnesium ? how much would I add ?


Well-Known Member
Your epsom salt is your magnesium source.

I believe what del666 was telling you is to use epsoms or some sort of mag supplement.

And to be honest del is right,that pot is big enough.You may just be better off giving her some thing with mag first.If it doesn't help you can still transplant.


Weed Modifier
Why would you give false info???

Does this plant look like it is dieing or going to die?Shoulda seen it a week and half before it went into ....MG.Got finished pics of it also,and a few other plants that grew fine to harvest also.

I don't get the MG bullshit.

If your gonna transplant just give it a bit and see what she does.Still a good lookin plant non the less.
He keeps saying this and I have told him to Stop knocking Mg:cuss:
multiple times now :wall:


All bagseed
just to say ! ........ghettogrower