Help me diagnose this this prob plz

monty Python

Active Member
Hi folks:leaf:
Hope yous can help me on this one. Il 'try' keep this as short as possible with as much relevant info as possible.

About 2 weeks ago i started seeing some yellowing on some leaves and its getting worse. It started on the new growth up top and surrounding area, pale green/ yellow. The bottom leaves were fine & green.

Ive read a few of the self diagnosis threads and checked out a few other peoples threads to try and match my symptoms. But i dont trust my own judgement as to what prob i have and dont wanna go ahead and try fix it without some 2nd opinions.

I really have fukd up this plant as far as feeding properly goes. {its my first grow though}

I made a good few newb mistakes along the way. For a while i had been watering with bottled water i got from the supermarket, thinking it was good to use. Ph of 6.2. It also took me a while to realise that nutes lower the ph quite a bit.
So for a while the plant had been getting low phd water. But i got some ph up, and now im making sure my water/nuterient solution is of the right ph colour before feeding. {its now had 2 feeds done properly}

The plant is hawaiian snow. It is 5 and a half weeks into 12/12. Its growing in bio bizz all mix in a 15litre pot.

For a while the temps were about 79/80f. But recently as the plant has gopt bigger the temps have rose, these days the temps are on avg 83f. At night the temps do lower a bit more than i would like, to about 64f.

As you can see from the pics, only a few of the leaves are really yellow, quite a few are pale green/yellow, and some of the plant is still what i belive is a nice green healthy looking colour. About 50/50.

So far my self diagnosis of the symptoms is pointing to a sulphur def {yellowing is starting from the centre of the leaves and working its way out}. But ive read suplhur def is really rare in soil.
Sulfur gets locked out of soil growing at ph levels of 2.0-5.5
Well, iv been working with a low ph up until now.

Also have quite a few red stems, but not sure if this is a genetics thing, or becuase of the lower temps at lights off or a sign of somthin else.

Also i found out bottled water is low in mag and cal.
I have a lemon skunk growing atm too, which has been gave tapwater from seed and is doin great so far, few weeks to harvest i think. :}

Iv been feeding with plant magic grow/bloom/topmax. Been watering with 4 litres of tapwater now, not the bottled stuff id been using.

Feeding every 5-6 days. My last two feedings consisted of....

8ml grow {i read that franco said this strain like alot of N up until week 7 of 12/12. But im stating to doubt wether i read that right or whatever}
10ml bloom
2ml topmax.
{adjusted ph with ph up, til it went a lime/urine colour}

And in the last feed i started to use epsom salts as the prob was gettin worse.

i dissolved 1 t/spoon epsom into my 4 litres and also only added
4ml bloom/2ml grow this time. {to 4litres}
Again adjusted the ph.

Today im ready for a feed but not sure what to do. The bright yellow leaves were at the back of my tent so iv not noticed them as being that bad, as iv not had it out for a few days.

Should i water again today with just water and a healthy amount of epsom?

I really dont know where to go from here as i dont want to make things worse.

That yellowing isnt the normal yellowing that occurs when the plant is using up the lower leaves is it ? As i can see my lemon skunk doin this. this is signs of a problem yeah ?

Anyway, heres the pics that will explain it better than a thousand of my words.

Sorry for the mammoth post.

Thanks for reading, any input at all is welcomed.

*Edit. { i couldnt get my pics to upload on here for some reason, all i got was a red exclamation mark. Iv put them onto imageshack if thats ok.... oh wait, imageshack isnt fucking working either. WTFF !!!! }
{I had a virus recently, and i think its fucked up my java or sumthin. honestly, if i could get my hands on the fking loser nerds that make these virus's id put my boot so far up there arse, my shoe laces would come out there nostrils!! Fkin little gimps:cuss: }
Sorry for the rant.... Well, im beat for now, i know it aint great without pics, but il post this up anyway and try get this sorted.}

monty Python

Active Member
I know buddy. Try get it sorted asap. Just went ahead and watered with epsom for the mo.


Edit* .... think i have it sorted, get pics up soon.....


Well-Known Member
It's not as serious as you may think, and a rather common happening. You plant burned up all it's nutrients during the 'stretching phase', and is going deficient, a few weeks ahead of schedule. So...either that low PH caused the plant to have trouble accessing the nutes that are present in the soil, or, you need to increase the veg fert next the time around, so it doesn't happen again. Franco was right, suggesting use of the veg nutes, well into 12/12. Alternate your nutes when you start 12/12, and as the plants start to mature, slowly start leaning more heavily on the bloom nutes, tapering off the veg stuff. It'll take a few grows to get the 'feel' of when to use which fert, according to what your plants require. Be patient, that's all part of the fun. :wink:

Also...what type of lighting are you using? Those buds look awfully 'airy' at that age, and the plants look extra-stretchy too, so it's be a good idea to upgrade ASAP, or bring the ones you already have, as close as possible.


Well-Known Member
P.S. Your plants don't look too bad, actually. Figure out why they're so hungry, and there's still the possibily of a nice harvest, in the near future. :cool:

REMINDER: Add more lights. :razz:

monty Python

Active Member
Hi mate. Thanks for the reply.
Glad you think its not as serious as it sounds/looks. bit of relief tbh.

Il go back to adding veg nutes at next watering, i did quite a bit of a transition from bloom to veg nutes and been adding a little til just a couple of waterings past. But il up them again on next watering.

Had'nt thought of alternating nutes at start of 12/12 before instead of a gradual transition kinda thing, sounds like a good idea, il keep that in mind for next time round.
Im sure il get the hang of it eventually, and like you say its all part of the fun, unless it has a major effect on the other fun parts.. like smoking the damn thing lol

Il take your advice and go from there.

Just thinking, all the pics i showed, show the lower yellow leafs, when lights go back on, il get pics of the yellowing tops i have, they aint as bright yellow as those leafs in the pics, but still signs that my plant aint hnappy about sumthin.

As for the lights mate i was using a 250w mh 1 week into 12/12 then switched to a 250w son T plus bulb, and im only in a tiny dr60, the lumens should be boomin should they not ?

I do agree though m8, the budding isnt impressive at all so far, i know sativas dont bud in the same way or volume as indica but i must admit, it is looking a bit disapointing so far. Although this being a 13 week strain, would you say it still has alot of time to pack on bigger buds? that is ofc providing i get on top of the prob i have atm.

Heres my LS which is growing along side it atm, as you can see this one is budding ok, again , maybe not as big as it should be for 5 weeks. Its got a little bigger since those pics.

Im just waiting on my local hydro store getting in more heat sheilds, shouldnt be long, so il get one of those to get my light closer asap. At the moment its about 10-12 inches away from the canopy.

Thanks again for the input jawbrodt.


Active Member
Hey Monty, nice plant, from what i ve read it looks like the epsom salts should help stop the yellowing getting worse lower down on the plant.

The yellowing of the top of the plant could be down to ur air flow,

Do u have nice fresh air flowing through your grow box?

bad circulation could maybe be the prob?

Anyway good luck bro, peace.

monty Python

Active Member
HI man thanks. Just hope i can get some more budding on it, technically only just under half way through the rec flowering time so still time yet i hope..... also more time to run into problems lol But in a way, problems are good i suppose as you learn from them, but wel see how it goes. Hawaain snow is supposed to be amazing. Looking forward to it.

As for airflow, i think its ok m8, not great and shite either. My dr60 is in a cupboard, 5ftx3x 7 half & foot (lxwxh)
Rvk 100 for extraction. Have no intake fan, just using the passive intakes on the tent and keep the door open alot, seems to do the trick.
Have a desktop fan oscillating across the tops.So im not sure if airflow is the prob, at first i thought my light may have been too close, although temps have been not too bad and im doin the hand test to check every now and again.

Heres the pics of some of the yellowing im getting on the tops, epsom salts that i gave it yesterday havnt had any noticeable affect. As you can see on pics 2 and 6 most of the yellowing is over one side, the other side seems pretty happy. Il be adding in some grow nutes next watering.

Did soil ph test with a little kit, prob not the most accurate. Took a sample from 10cm under the soil, broke a few roots along the way. Mix the sample with some powder it gives you and shake and leave for 10mins. The last pic is the sample. Watery lime colour, which is ok right ? Maybe about 6.8 ish ?

hs 7th 1.jpghs 7th 2.jpghs 7th 3.jpghs 7th 4.jpghs 7th 5.jpghs 7th 6.jpghs 7th 8.jpghs 7th 9.jpgph test.jpg

Thanks for looking :leaf:



Active Member
Magnrsium deficiency would be my guess since the yellowing is starting at the tips, or at least it appears that way in a couple pics. At the least I'll bump your post and maybe get a more experienced grower to look.


Well-Known Member
ur plant is stealling nut from its leaves to produce flowers. prob because the ph was off and it could take in as much nut as it needed get the ph right and start feeding it. pull of the yellow leaves. they look nice not a bad prob to have easy to fix. jaw knows what he talking about.