Help me diagnose my baby! (Pics)


Well-Known Member
Lighting is fine, HPS can veg plants fine, although not ideal. It would be good to get some 6500K CFL's there instead of the 2700, balance out the spectrum... Even in flower, it is always good to have some type of 6500 K lighting... I am more concerened about your temps and humidity. Humidity for vegging shoul be around 55-65, and for flower in the 35-45 range. 20 is really low and the moiture from your leaves can actually evaporate into the air.
Get some humidity in there and try to lower the temps a little bit. Cheers.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Lighting is fine, HPS can veg plants fine, although not ideal. It would be good to get some 6500K CFL's there instead of the 2700, balance out the spectrum... Even in flower, it is always good to have some type of 6500 K lighting... I am more concerened about your temps and humidity. Humidity for vegging shoul be around 55-65, and for flower in the 35-45 range. 20 is really low and the moiture from your leaves can actually evaporate into the air.
Get some humidity in there and try to lower the temps a little bit. Cheers.
the temp may be getting a bit high, and i've tried everything in my power to raise the humidity, short of buying a humidifier. my space is already so tight I don't know how it would work or if its even necessary.

the 8 26watt cfls are all 6500k, only the 2 65watt cfls are 2700k.

Thanks for the input!


Well-Known Member
Lighting is fine, the only concern really is stretching with the HPS, but the supplemental CFL's are fine... Temps that hig are fine if the relative humidity are a bit higher, it prevent the sweating from the leaves.... But when humidity is that low and temps are that high, it just makes things a bit worse...
Have you put wet towels in there, or a few shot glasses of water all aroung? How bout a small bucket with a tiny airstone bubbling?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
your light game is FUCT up! sorry but true.
thanks, but that is not quite the constructive criticism i was looking for. i'm tight on space, so a 400 or 600 watt hps or mh is too big, hot, etc.

and i'm working with what i've got, so don't hate.

my thinking was to cram as many lumens into that space as possible other than these two recent maladies its been going ok.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
yeah, i had 4 shot glasses with paper towels acting as wicks to help get some moisture but it had no noticeable effect.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
the tips look like they are curling up.. means it's getting to warm and humidity should be at 60-65% when vegging...and 40-50% when flowering


Active Member
This plant is now just over 3 weeks into flower and is a huge bush with grow shoots everywhere! I supercropped it and topped it while in veg and it recovered quickly and growth was vigorous once I invested in a quality ph tester. Buds are just starting to connect, already have tons of resin on leaves and are getting so big so quick. Pics to come once I find a decent camera.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
the tips look like they are curling up.. means it's getting to warm and humidity should be at 60-65% when vegging...and 40-50% when flowering
Yeah, I think it has been getting a little hotter than my thermometer is reading. I have a 3" duct connected to a small personal fan creating some ventilation now, and I have a fan outside the space blowing air in.

I'm going to work on improving the ventilation though...thanks for the help LAX!



Well-Known Member
you wont get much out of a hps in veg, thats for damn sure. Adding higher kelvin would help but its just a bad setup if you mix the two IMO. I don't think any pro would veg with hps period. I guarantee its got do with the light and that little space getting blasted by the fan. I used to have one of those and they work just fine for a space bigger than 2'x5' whatever that is.
these are 1 1/2 weeks from clone under 300w hps....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
nah man its cool really.. i use a 600w hps and my plants are doing fine, and no you dont have to move it any closer than about 25inches to make sure you dont burn the plants...
what you may like to do is check the ph of ur soil and if that is fine (about 6-7 ph) then it may be a humidity problem,
also you may want to mist them once a day during the 'dark' period


Well-Known Member
also mate, 80 degrees is fine during the daytime but during dark period u wana lower the temp about 5-10 degrees farenheight


Active Member
looks like overwatering to me...PLENTY of nitrogen looking at the color. depending on your lights, i know that if you have HO floerescent they wont use much water and it will cause root rot, let them sit for a week, if it hps give it 4 days for water... to grow roots you need the soil drier so the roots dig down for water! hope that helps some


Active Member
From my experience HPS works fine for vegging. My clones went from 5" to 26" in 3 weeks lighted by a 600w HPS. HPS all the way!
If you don't believe me look at my grow -

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for your help! I think the problem is a combination of heat, humidity, too much direct breeze, and I overwatered them a little too much initially. They are all still alive and kicking (with new growth daily!) so I'm tempering my concern a bit. I'll add more pics as the situation changes.

Thanks for your input monkz, im.hip, and brickie!
