Help me design my next setup 10x12 room


Well-Known Member
If you want to grow taller plants, you should be considering side lighting as well as top lighting. Side lighting is usually limited to lower power lights like fluorescent tubes or LED strips or similar so it doesn't burn up your floor space. The plants actually touch them without issue.

You need to make up your mind and tell us exactly what you are going for if you want proper recommendations.


Well-Known Member
This is my last grow... Make up my mind? I did.? I want to grow 7 ft tall trees that are more flat and scrog them. Like these trees here. Just a lot wider and scrogged



Well-Known Member
I have around 5,000 watts of lights I can use from my/hps/led. I have a lot of power I'm just trying to use it the most proficient way I can. And that's a great idea. You just blew my mind justugh! But I will be doing an N type scrog or maybe just a basic square type scrog. But I do plan on training my plants to make a wide flat canopy. However. I want to see if I can grow 8 ft tall plants but train them where they are way way more busy than tall. So when I scrog it can be a huge scrog. I was thinking if I just scrogged my last monsters I would have a lot more bud
8 foot tall
u need super soil to do that ....feeding alone not going to make u anything bigger then maybe 6 feet (5 feet counting the planter as 12 inches)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am not gonna get into super soil yet although I do have some available that my friend made. I am thinking of maybe topping my 2 plants once and have 2 branches growing sideways... While lst'ing them. So they can grow sideways and then when they get a good size scrog both of the plants with both branches growing horizontally.


Well-Known Member
In that picture I see tons of open space. That means tons of wasted light.

The only benefit to growing taller plants is to get more buds from middle and bottom of the plant. That doesn't work if all the light comes from the top. It also doesn't work well to place a HID off to the side in open space. That open space is a big hole in your reflective perimeter, and allows the light to spread out more/aka become weaker.

Vert systems typically involve a lot of T5HO or T8 lighting on all walls and a much smaller top light. If you don't have a ton of T5's laying around and wanted to make a quality vert system I would go with high efficiency led strip lights.

Without a ton of side lighting taller plants are not worth waiting through the longer veg.

You are also going to want run more like 10,000 lumens per sqft if you use a side lighting/vert system.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of open space but again I don't need the whole room. And definitely noted on side lighting for my future reference. :) but I will keep you updated on the lsting/scrogging these ladies.