Help me design a grow room?


Active Member

I have been growing for 2 years now and have always done soil only autoflowering stealth grows. Everything I have ever done has been either inside a storage container or a hollowed out dresser with CFL's.

I want to rig up my crawlspace in my basement to do another stealth grow with hydro this time. I am fairly handy but want to get some opinions and advice to help get me started with my setup. I have attached a pic of the space I'm working with. It is about 10 feet in length, 4 feet in width and a little under 4 feet in height. So far all I've got is a 450 Watt HPS and some storage containers from other soil grows.

The room is really cold this time of year so I don't think the heat will be much of a problem. At any rate, the duct work in the ceiling is running from my laundry room (dryer) to exhaust outside to the front of my house. I imagine I would be able to connect into it and expel heat from the hood of my HPS directly into the duct? Would this smell bad outside? Maybe I could put a carbon filter in the hose as well to limit that? When it gets hotter, I might switch to try LED grow lights, especially if smell becomes a problem while venting.

I want to build a bubbleponics system like the many DIY tutorials on this site demonstrate. The one thing I am worried about is the height I am limited by. Most of them seem to be using a large storage container. What is the minimum height of the container I must use? Also, what would be the best way to control height in this small space? I was thinking of trying a SCROG method?

I currently have a ton of lowryder #2 seeds from a soil grow I did before. I think those will work pretty well for this for now, but would also like recommendations from anyone who grew in limited height and found good strains for it.



Well-Known Member
Hi, always fun making a new grow room. The height will be a challange. The lowryder would be a good choice for the space. Botainicare has a 2x4 table that is 7" deep,the tray also has a lid that you can drill out for net pots that would work for dwc. Just make sure you keep your rez temp under control. I had to use a submersable heater so that mine wouldn't get to cold. A screen would help for sure help. The screen i use is a cement screen from home depot. the squares are 4"x4', use metal snips to cut to size since it comes in 4 1/2 by 8 i think.


Active Member
I am going to go ahead with the lowryder. The thought I had recently though was using a single tray and cutting holes in the lid will result in wasted space. When I inevitably have a male plant, the plant will have to be cut down and that hole in the tray will not be able to be re filled until the next grow starts because I think the plans will need a different nutrient reg for the first 1-2 weeks while they are on veg. If I used a separate bucket system, I could keep a veg and a bloom reservoir, correct? sorry I am new to hydro but I think this is right. This way I would be able to do something more perpetual and start vegging a new seed the second a male is cut down. I am currently looking at the DIY tutorials for bucket systems on this site, any thoughts are appreciated.