Help!!!! Male or female

OK SO ... i got this one that i know is a girl as you can tell in the first pic .. but the other only shows signes of female in one spot and the rest of the and the rest just look like little sacks with MAYBE ONE hair coming out of it . as you can see in th4e second pic .. thank you so much for you help


New Member
Hmmm The pic on the right I am gonna go with a female. I don't see anything on the other to distinguish yet. Maybe someone else who sees this can. Here is a good sexing chart fer ya! Good Luck!...View attachment 1964804


Well-Known Member
Second pic definitely looks like a girl. First pic is a little hard to tell but I think I see some small pistils there too.


Well-Known Member
man if only i had a nickel for every male female ??? post LOL ;)

just playing around with you... congrats on the girl...

treat her well or else she might start to go "lady gaga" on you ;)

p.s. looks good... have fun and enjoy the grow :)


Ursus marijanus
I see a female primordium in the first pic.
I see f. primordia in the second one too, but what caught my attention was on the extreme right edge, near the bottom, at that stout branching point. Are those pollen bodies? cn