help? lower leaves dying?

well i finally got a ph kit got my ph down (from 8 to around 5) but my bottom leaves are dying everything above that looks fine for the most part i just switched it to 12/12 id like for it to live any ideas if this is still just the ph or something else?

ill get a couple more pics soon
alright i was told around 5.5 was best ill up it a bit next watering. also i dont use any nutes anyone have any input on what foxfarm i should use?


Well-Known Member
alright i was told around 5.5 was best ill up it a bit next watering. also i dont use any nutes anyone have any input on what foxfarm i should use?
Your plant looks sick, why don't you tell us a little more about your grow.

I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest & BB, TB GB. :weed:
73-76 degrees its hard to adjust because its just a bedroom/walk in closet. its under 70w hps and 5 6500k daylight cfls for side lighting.

its crap soil from walmart lol. its been transplanted three times from cup to 8 oz to 1 gallon current pot. its middie bagseed i water it twice a week once its dry enough the water is sit out to remove chlorine and up until the last water my ph was too high.
no bugs ive checked it over im thinking its that soil im hoping itll live long enough for me to order nutes, and i guess i could possibly get a heater in that room.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you just need to put it in a better soil.

I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest 3/4 and 1/4 Perlite. I use water straight from the tap, semi hard 250 ppm.

My summer temps ranges from 70-85 degrees :bigjoint:

edit: FFOF soil has enough nutes for 3-4 weeks.


Active Member
its your ph. 8 is too high and 5 is way too low for soil. thats even low for hydro. you want your ph at 7 or a little lower like 6.8. Get some dehydrated lime and mix it with water according to the directions and water your plant with it. that should bring your ph back up. be careful though cuz you can burn your plant if you over do it.
the soil i have has perlite in it it drains pretty well but the nutrients in it are pretty much non existent. ill order some fox farm.
nearly none its down in the 0.something ranges on the nute readings. im going to switch it to ocean forest, anythign i need to do before transplanting it to the new type of soil?



Active Member
i just had the same problem. transplanting them into ffOcean Forest saved them. Make sure to CAREFULLY get as much of the old soil away from the roots as possible. Put it in a 3 gallon or 5 depeneidng on what your plans are and water. Ot will look good in a week to a week and a half. And i would get a moisture meter- 6-15 bucks at lowes/hd....saved mine and there doin great, good luck!


Active Member
oh and i have mylar on mine with the same hoods and there deffinitly chillin. Had to raise the lights though recently due to warmer temps.
will do, now i just have to find a place to buy ff other than online =/ the upside is if she (hopefully a fem) doesnt make it ill be better prepared next go. thanks for the replies everyone.


Well-Known Member
hi iv got the same problem on my plants im 3 weeks into flowering the ph of the water with biobizz nutes is 7 as iv checked on previous grows but now im using advanced nutrients big bud and iv lost my ph meter. does big bud lower the ph of the water solution? i also think its a ph problem
got my ff of transplanting it tonight fingers crossed also new question judging by the pics i know its hard to tell but is it too early for me to flower this? its been in 12/12 for a few days and ive noticded no change maybe slight growth spurt? maybe? its a little over 2 months old from seed.

i have nothing to measure with but its the exact same height as a 24 pack of sodas stood up lol i had a empty dr pepper case in the room.