Help! Light change and thrips during flowering !

Hey guys, I’ve been told by my hydro company that they will be shutting off the lights for 6 hours on a specific day coming up this week, my plants are in flowering and the outage interrupts the first three hours of their light, should I change the schedule on the day prior or post to try and compensate for this or will that stress them out too much ? Also have thrips and I’m about 4-5 weeks into flower wondering about best control methods that won’t harm my buds, please and thanks !


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I’ve been told by my hydro company that they will be shutting off the lights for 6 hours on a specific day coming up this week, my plants are in flowering and the outage interrupts the first three hours of their light, should I change the schedule on the day prior or post to try and compensate for this or will that stress them out too much ? Also have thrips and I’m about 4-5 weeks into flower wondering about best control methods that won’t harm my buds, please and thanks !
Probably won't stress them to bad. You could always get a generator. Just return the generator after your done


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I worry a lot about my girls any tips for the thrips ?
Try to stop worrying. I do still, but im a thousand times better than I was. Learn the art of watching them, but keep a distance. Dont over love your plants because that's when you over water, over nute, etc. Just calm down and realize you prob won't have the best plants your first grow. You will learn each time how to do better.