Help leave Tips curling DOWN!!


Active Member
Hi guys i got a question, i got my plant which is 5-6 weeks old, and her 2nd to top set of leaves the tips are some what curling down...i recently transplanted her 2-3 days ago cuz she was getting rootbound from the looks of it... i was thinkin will it be ok if i where to cut the tips of the leaves where its curling at? will i stress/hurt my baby? i dont wanna do somthing i regret So im hoping i get an experts advice on if i should go ahead and do it?

Lighting im using is CFL 6500k 120 watts

thanks again!



Well-Known Member
Oh cmon, the leaves are curling down a little bit, it's normal, if you just transplanted her, probably that's the case, just let her grow. Outdoors every plant goes droopy it the night is long.


Well-Known Member
what is your definition of "kinda dry"?
If it's hot in there, the roots haven't got used to new space, they maybe can't get water up so fast, but still, don't stress about these little things.
As long as it stays the same green, growth is optimal, you're golden.
Mine did that but after the leaves got bigger, they straightened.


Active Member
yea i guess you have a point and when i say dry i mean, dry feeling Lol but not dry to the point it breaks apart no, but idk what could be the reason im hopin the leaves perk back up but idk what i can do to help with that..


Well-Known Member
maybe get the humidity up? Wait three days, if it gets really worse, make a new thread with all the details ( medium, lighting, temp., hum., ph of soil, water, so on )
but for now, chill out, i can bet $20 that they'll straighten in hmm..... 2 days?


Active Member
yea i hear what your saying man, ill wait it out for 2 more days or so and to get the humidity up how do i go about doin so? will a bowl of water do the trick or jug of water?