Help keep my babies alive!!! (pics)

Alright guys.. just need advice on how i can be sure I come out with some juicy buds!
these things have been on 12/12 for about 2 weeks and i just noticed they're both females
They are both in Miracle Gro all purpose soil, and get watered about every other day.
The one that doesn't look as good got watered with too much bloom booster because I thought it might help (just experimenting.. FIRST GROW)
Just lookin for some advice because I'm trying to make sure I don't let this 3 month process turn out to be any waste of time whatsoever.

so.. Here's the pics!

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Thanks again, dudes:weed:


Member tall are those girls? They sure are leggy. I'm not familiar enough with MG or even soil for that matter so it's hard to tell you what's wrong (causing yellow leaves below and kind of light-anemic looking leaves).

I wouldn't expect a whole lot of nice buds from your grow. Good way to get your feet wet though. Grow them out and learn from the process. You'll get familiar with growth stages and lighting and stuff (your lights were probably too far away causing the legginess).

Next time around you can get a hps or mh set-up and maybe grow in a soiless medium with some decent nutrients. The crop after that maybe try a bigger room, more lights and a hydroponic set-up.

Hope I'm not sounding too negative. You're doing ok for your first grow. Could be a lot worse.


Rebel From The North
theres a def. for sure and they look like there not enough air in there either, plus it looks dry whats the hum in there?
i'm not sure, i took the temp. and hum gauge out because it was staying fine at the time. and i needed it for my plants i'm starting to take outdoors.
how do i keep the hum up?
also where do i get CaMg?
thanks for the quick replies btw..
heres about 4 weeks flowering close-up.. sorry about the shitty phone pic..

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Rebel From The North
a quick way to up your hum. is get a bucket of water and hang a towel in it to wick water and run a fan on the towel
blowing into your room. and go buy a new hum/temp gauge in flower dont go over 50%


Well-Known Member
to be honest 1. i would never use miracle grow nutes or soil to grow marijuana. the last thread i saw with a dude using miracle grow soil they had defficiencys to and they died. dont get me wrong you can get a harvest out of them but you will by no means get big juicy buds. 2. if you use miracle grow im not sure that i would use any other nutes in the water for a while and if you do it probably shouldnt be much. i would scrap miracle grow and go with a soiless medium such as pro mix or sunshine mix #4 next time. or even go with fox farm ocean forest or light warrior. and get some better nutrients like maybe fox farm or dutch master or even advanced nutrients if you have the spare money to invest. go to a garden supply store and talk to someone and check out their nutes. just dont use miracle grow!! lol