Help? Is this a Hermie or a fine lady?


Hello All,
I am in dire need of some expert advice.
Can anybody tell me whether this master kush plant is a female or a hermaphrodite? Compared to everything else in the room, this strain looks odd to me... I've never seen buds that shoot out like that, but then again I've never grown master kush...

Thank you!!



Well-Known Member
the first pic looked like the plant is seeded i cant tell in the rest my vote is hermie,,,too bad looks like some high grade


Well-Known Member
I was just going to say it looks seeded as well. Not just the swollen seed pods but the fact that some of the hairs are brown already also indicates it's seeded. (if you haven't turned them brown accidentally with any kind of foliar spray/bug spray.)


Well-Known Member
I cant tell by the pics but if there are no other plants that are producing seeds, and that 1 is, it's safe to say you got a hermie,just look for pods or banana like pollen sacks and chop away daily if they grow that fast,sometimes they do ohh and look under developing bud sites they can hide in very peculiar places