Help!!!!!!!!! Is it time to harvest


Well-Known Member
damm that's beautiful man...but nooo u have a lil while before u harvest just give it a lil more me its worth old is that by the way?


Well-Known Member
Go to Radio Shack, buy a 60X-100X microscope with the little light, these are great for telling when you buds are ready to harvest, and they only cost $9.99. Take a small leaf from next to one of the buds and look real close at the leaf. You will see these little droplets that are called trichomes, when the Buds are imatture they will be clear, as they get more matture they will get cloudy, when these start to turn a light amber color inside. say 20% of the total Trichomes, your buds are ready to harvest. The Higher the % of Amber Trichomes, the more Couch lock type of buds you will have. 20% Amber trichs will give you a nice mental high. Most definiately go to Radio Shack and get one of these Microscopes.

here is a link to the scope. take the item Number with you when you go to buy one.. - Cables, Parts & Connectors: Tools & soldering equipment: Magnifiers: Illuminated Microscope

cannabis patient

Active Member
Thanks for all the great info, But can anyone tell just by looking at plant and give me a estimate time when it's time to harvest? Thanks

God Bless


Well-Known Member
You can not just look at a plant in a photo and tell if it is ready to harvest. You have to get down and dirty, and look inside the plant almost.

It would be like me showing you a picture of my arm and asking you to tell me if My sweat glandes are cloged.. You have to get something to look real close with at the trichome Glands to tell if they are ready to harvest. Other then that. just let them flower for 60 days, and then flip a coin.

You can not afford $9.99 for the best tool out there to tell if your buds are ready to harvest?


Well-Known Member
60 days.....come on....there is no plant observation in that....i want to see some guesses. STOP BURNING THEM PLANTS!


Well-Known Member
Ok.. You have to wait 34 days, 12 hours, 37 minutes, 52 seconds. from the time those photos were taken.


Well-Known Member
that's what I'm talking bout! I want to change mine...
34 days, 12 hours, 37 minutes, 53 seconds.......Price is right!


Well-Known Member
Those are nice looking buds. It would be a shame to not pick them when it is their true time. Break down and get that scope, You can even order it by mail. When you look at these Trichomes at 60X-100X magnification, you will most likely enjoy the view. I know i do.


Well-Known Member
Chab, he's going to pick them early anyways...dont' He wants one of us to tell him to pick it now....look at how many "!!!!!!" are in the beginning of the thread


Well-Known Member
If you do not have the patience to wait it out to the end. You should not even waste your time growing. That is my honest opinion. Buds picked even a week or two too soon are Shit buds. They do not taste the same, they do not smell the same. My last two weeks of my last harvest, I had to buy 3 bags of weed, just so I would keep my little clippers off my plants. I am so glad I did not cut my girls until it was their time. You would date a 12 year old girl would you? Would you pick her flower? HELL NO!!!!! Well, do not pick you female plants flowers either, if they are young, they are TO DAM YOUNG...

Think of your Buds as a fine wine. If you do not let your wine age correctly, or use quality supplies and such. It will just be another SHITTY WINE. Do you want Shitty WINE???? I know I do not. I want only the very best I can produce. Why take 90% of the time to produce shit buds? Why not go the full 100% and produce sweet, taste, OH YAH BABY, This is the SHIT!!!!.. Buds????


Well-Known Member
Hi I'm Chris Hansen with dateline NBC. We are doing a story about marijuana predators, they look around for the most premature bud they can find. They harvest it early because they can't resist the temptations of the premature bud. We setup our hidden cameras to find these predators in the act.

cannabis patient

Active Member
If you do not have the patience to wait it out to the end. You should not even waste your time growing. That is my honest opinion. Buds picked even a week or two too soon are Shit buds. They do not taste the same, they do not smell the same. My last two weeks of my last harvest, I had to buy 3 bags of weed, just so I would keep my little clippers off my plants. I am so glad I did not cut my girls until it was their time. You would date a 12 year old girl would you? Would you pick her flower? HELL NO!!!!! Well, do not pick you female plants flowers either, if they are young, they are TO DAM YOUNG...

Think of your Buds as a fine wine. If you do not let your wine age correctly, or use quality supplies and such. It will just be another SHITTY WINE. Do you want Shitty WINE???? I know I do not. I want only the very best I can produce. Why take 90% of the time to produce shit buds? Why not go the full 100% and produce sweet, taste, OH YAH BABY, This is the SHIT!!!!.. Buds????

Thanks for the advise "chabnock" I sure will pick up a 60X-100X magnification