help imn so fucked


New Member
okayy so me and my friend are growing about 3 plants they are small n we are planning to plant them in these woods near our house. but my friend is obv a moron and told his little 13 year old brother who will most likly rat me out since the plants are at my house. what should i do should i just not worry about it or should i plant them in the woods even though thier really small. by the way my friends dad is a cop:?


Well-Known Member
okayy so me and my friend are growing about 3 plants they are small n we are planning to plant them in these woods near our house. but my friend is obv a moron and told his little 13 year old brother who will most likly rat me out since the plants are at my house. what should i do should i just not worry about it or should i plant them in the woods even though thier really small. by the way my friends dad is a cop:?
put them somewhere else YESTERDAY and don't tell anyone. in fact tell everyone you tried smoking them, it sucked, and you are giving up growing for good. then plant them :eyesmoke::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
slap his ass man he broke the first rule of growing mj

as plantmanbee said dont tell ANYONE :P

go at it solo from now on


Active Member
Dude get rid of them any way possible.. dumpster a mile away.. food disposal.. plant in woods.. but nobody.. NOBODY needs to know about it.. but you.. why the fuck do I pause every few words.. I must be fucked up...

o B12UT4L o

LMFAO im the son of a retired cop and Im glad he decided to breed! He smoked until he became a cop and now that he is retired Im trying to get him to smoke again. I think most cops want it legalized or at the very least decriminalized. The fact is pot smokers arent trouble makers... but svchop might be right KILL EM ALL!


Well-Known Member
nah Im just saing foolish things to foolish people, growing weed with the son of a cop I mean c'mon man c'mon don't you have any sense?


Well-Known Member
haha those are very true words svchop. why would you associate your self, a MJ grower, if you could loosely call your self that, with someone that is related to a cop. how old are you anyway? 15? i tried growing when i was your age. didnt quite work out. tell no one. btw it didnt work out because i realized i was dumb and 15. now im much older and wiser


Active Member
This thread is hillariousam imo I hope they tell your parents, you should be put on restriction. No world of warcraft for a week! Haha remember to shut the fuck up about your shit. You don't tell people ya got a small dick do you? Why? You don want people to know some


Well-Known Member
This thread is hillariousam imo I hope they tell your parents, you should be put on restriction. No world of warcraft for a week! Haha remember to shut the fuck up about your shit. You don't tell people ya got a small dick do you? Why? You don want people to know some
I don't understand why everybody is talking shit about him. Honestly, I thought this forum was to help other people out with growing the herb. Did he say something to you that I missed that would deserve that kind of reply? I don't remember him saying his age so how do you know he is a kid? Why even post in his thread if you're just going to make fun of him and offer no help to his problem. I wasn't aware that there was an age limit on growing an illegal plant anyhow. I just don't understand why you would post this. You're the type of person that keeps weed from being legalized and gives the rest of us the bad reputation. I could have sworn that we all wanted to live in a peaceful world with no hate. I could be wrong though. I also find it kind of weird that you talk about the size of a "kid's" penis. I think I'm going to call you peddy for now on. I say all of this with all due respect. Blaze one and have a good night peddy.

P.S. You should definately move your plants ASAP. It's definately not worth getting caught. And for future referance, you should really not tell ANYONE about your plants. One person can get you busted.


Well-Known Member
okayy so me and my friend are growing about 3 plants they are small n we are planning to plant them in these woods near our house. but my friend is obv a moron and told his little 13 year old brother who will most likly rat me out since the plants are at my house. what should i do should i just not worry about it or should i plant them in the woods even though thier really small. by the way my friends dad is a cop:?
Normally I'd say not to worry. It's only 3 plants. But his father being a cop changes things. You don't want that kind of attention. Get rid of them ASAP.


Well-Known Member
we are giving him this burning because he was 1) dumb enough to tel his friend and 2) telling a friend whose dad is a COP. unless the their parents are good friends, he WILL bust you. or steal your plants to grow for himself. either way you would be fucked. btw dont count on the latter of the two. we have deduced he is under 18 because his friend is still living at home and has a 13 year old brother, and most parents have kids every 1.5-4 years. so at most the kids could be 17. im guessing just turned 16 though. plus i am sure he is growing these things in his parents house without them knowing. what if he does gets caught. his parents would go to jail. since its their house. they will lose their house and possibly most of their assets.


New Member
why are you guys saying shit about me i came herew for help not to get made fun of. and i didnt tell him it was his idea to begin with i didnt know he would start telling kids. and i moved them to the woods near my house so i wont get caught with them. why does my age matter anyway im 17 and prob more mature then a lot of the kids here if u dont wanna help or give me some advice then how bout u just dont post anything on my thread


New Member
why are you guys saying shit about me i came herew for help not to get made fun of. and i didnt tell him it was his idea to begin with i didnt know he would start telling kids. and i moved them to the woods near my house so i wont get caught with them. why does my age matter anyway im 17 and prob more mature then a lot of the kids here if u dont wanna help or give me some advice then how bout u just dont post anything on my thread
Dude nobody wants to help you maybe cause your obviously a minor, and you prove it in this post, this is against forum rules, as for being more mature then 'a lot of the kids here' - kids are not allowed here. You should be focusing on school not marijuana your just going to get yourself in trouble and possibly ruin your future kid, depending where you live its possible that at 17 you can be tried as an adult and get a permanent felony on your record after serving some time in jail, you will start off your life in debt and without the abillity to get a job cause you have a felony so you will never be able to pay off your fine and now you have bad credit so you can never get a house, loan for a car, loan for a bussiness NOTHING you will be doomed, dont grow unless you really enjoy poverty, wait till your an adult before you decide if you want to do this and try your best to do it legally thats my advice. It doesn't matter if your mature mentally your likely not financially mature enough to handle being busted and it will ruin your life if you cant handle the half a million dollar fines some states will slap on you if you get busted for growing.


Well-Known Member
sometimes it takes a few harsh words to get it through your skull that associating yourself with a cops son is DUMB. cops dont give a rats ass about the public especially a punk kid. not saying you are one but in their eyes, every kid but their own is some punk kid. thats good you put them in the woods. i hope you didnt put them on your property. also keep the visits to an absolute minimum and take different trails their. as to not make a trail. people, not just cops, follow trail on hikes and such. dont want some unexpected person walking up on them. either go out their early in the morning or late at night and that the most prominant wind direction is 1/2 mile or more form any people. now, dig a 3x3 hole. 3 wide 3 deep. fill with amended soil. many other threads on here on amended soil recipes. put in there. what are temps like? if ever get to 100+ then find something with 4-6 hours direct sunlight and the rest indirect. also a place not easy to get to. dont grow tree out there because you cannot hide those nor the smell. also yu will prob have rodent and pest troubles. if you want to make it to harvest makes sure you take care of those. how is that for some help. now i cant stress this enough. stop associating yourself with a cops son, in the growing weed department that is. tell him to sit back and relax and he can have some when its done. dont tell him where it is. if he already knows then move them to another location. if he told his brother what is to stop him from showing him. or his brother blackmailing him to take him to go see them. lil brothers can be little bastards sometime.
