Help I'm a noobie to the doobie

:dunce::dunce:Hey guys so I got my seeds last week and I got an easy start kit witch is just mini pots to germanate the seeds in so question is are they ready for the light and for there final pot ? Do I feed them every time I water or? Is my grow box ok? And last but not least is bonsai fertiliser ok to use ?( I read somewhere that there's not enough nitrogen so was going to use that and urine) I'll add pics! Would really appreciate any input thanks guys


Well-Known Member
To answer your questions, no, no, no, no. Look at fox farms brand. There are conflicting studies but to err on the side of caution, assume most urine is not sterile and don't use it as fertilizer.

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
i would not ever use urine on any of my plants,get some blood meal for nitrogen,bone meal for potas,better yet just plant them babies in some fox farm ocean forest ,start them in solo cups dont forget to poke holes in bottom ,when roots hit the bottom of cup pot them up ,take one of the cups and fill it to judge your weight ,so you will no when to water after a while you will have it down to a art on how to judge the weight .lot of pepole say to just pot them in what your gonna grow them in ,i dont because i like to keep the soil fresh and by the time i get to my 5 gal pots ,have that fresh rich soil in there to finish them ,thats just my opinion .but use piss in something your going to smoke,hope this helps you a little man


Well-Known Member
Welcome newbie, I'd advise you to pick up a copy of Jorge Cerevante's book, or Ed Rosenthals, or Mel Franks. If you don't know anything about growing, this is highly recommended. Happy Growing - :joint:


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ! With so many questions why start growing. Am I gunna get an 1/8th or something out of this. Its like work. If you have that many questions you obviously haven't read anything. I'm not trying to be a dick, I like helping people, but help yourself first.


Well-Known Member
First and formost welcome to the Forest... NEVER start your seeds in full NUTRIENT STRENGTH SOIL! Always start your seeds off in SEEDSTARTER SOIL MIX. This will decease any chance of NUTRIENT BURN, which can and will stunt your seedlings possibly expire them. First start your seeds in 4" cups or pots with drainage holes. If you make hole hot philip screwdriver and punctuation. Percision holes no more than 7. Get you a squirt type bottle like a squeeze bottle... squirt each cup really well and let the water drain out. This is called the water run off... after you have drained them for 10 minutes or so... take screwdriver and insert it in the center the same hight as a quarter deep... drop each seed in the center make sure they arent deep!!! And then gently cover them and put them neatly in their grow home. Total darkness and check with them in 2-3 days. FIRST AND FOREMOST!!! Take things serious. If you have a question maje sure you Google it first. Read the info that compells you. All info is not good. And dont purposely read all things it causes confusion. If you have any challenges contact me PERSONALLY! This will eliminate the DISCOURAGING spirits.


Well-Known Member
If they have leaves they're ready for lights, but not too much. Water when they need it and the pot feels light and use the water, water, feed method. Bonsai Fertilizer has plenty of nitrogen so don't piss on your plants. I heard somewhere that if you put semen on the buds they get bigger. Never got the chance to try it. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
This is what Im saying about starting in small pots. The reason I start in small pots is to establish excellent root structure and plant maturety and strength. Also, the plants can do 14 days in this as long as your watering modestly and Dont Feed them nutrient for the First 21 days!!! On the 14th day put them in 1 gallon smart pots!!! This is for excellent Aeration= air flow. This should be a good peace of guidence.... Grow Up... :) In a nice way Friend...IMG_20150222_153510.jpg IMG_20150222_194108.jpg


Well-Known Member
:dunce::dunce:Hey guys so I got my seeds last week and I got an easy start kit witch is just mini pots to germanate the seeds in so question is are they ready for the light and for there final pot ? Do I feed them every time I water or? Is my grow box ok? And last but not least is bonsai fertiliser ok to use ?( I read somewhere that there's not enough nitrogen so was going to use that and urine) I'll add pics! Would really appreciate any input thanks guys