Help! I'm a noob!


New Member
So this is my first plant... I haven't used any lights, just natural from my windows. I have been maintaining hydration, added nutes, and I took the advice of a friend and cut some leaves off..(whether or not this was a good idea if up for debate.) I am about 25 (?) days away from harvest and I am noticing some weird patterning on the leaves.. any help would be greatly appreciated. also, I am about 25 days from harvest, correct? I've been taking cues from fdd, and that's what he had said viewing a plant in a similar state to mine. Help! thanks in advance, ppl! 43.jpg48.jpg49.jpg410.jpg411.jpg412.jpg :neutral::cuss:
Don't cut leaves, even the big fan leave because the nugs need as much juice as they can get from all the leaves, pull the leaves off when they turn yellow after the nugs sucked them dry. As for your leaves Your first pic kind of looks like there's a spider web, if it is, spider mites are microscopic, they eat from under the leaves causing lil white dots on top of the leaves, and they well spin webs throughout your buds, I wouldn't suggest doing a window grow again, not really worth the trouble as they don't nearly get enough sun light


Active Member
The splotching on the leaves doesnt look like Mite damage, however there does appear to be a web on pic 1.
Or somebody in your house has long, thin ass silver hair.
Your problem *from what i can see* is nute problem, which one i couldn't tell you.
When in doubt, hit it with Cal/Mag and back off on your feeding.
How long have you been feeding, and how frequently? It might be lockout, if your feeding she evidently isnt using nearly enough nutes to require feeding:
Shes not eally getting enough light to dp enough growing to need fert, so a lot of it is just burning her.


New Member
hey gkid- you are a heck of a lot of help! i really appreciate the needless bash, dude. I've been growing all types of plants for years... this is my first plant, plant.. g. eye roll.

papa and headies, well i have her on a cocktail i bought from one of the hydro shops... i've been feeding low doses for about month now... continuous water though... i have long blond hair, so that might be what is in the picture.. i checked for spiderwebs, didn't see any. she's pretty isolated from the elements.. i agree, there isn't enough light. next time, i'm buying a set up. also, just put together a clone machine... so maybe i will just restart the whole thing? she smells great, very fruity... got the seed out of a bag... was pretty happy with her getting anything bc i didnt put alot into her. thank you both for giving me any advice... this being my first thread and all, i didn't want to think this forum was filled with egotistical meatheads. good to know there are helpful people out there! thank you.


Well-Known Member
Start reading, Natural light from a window isn't going to be enough for a decent harvest. These aren't house plants.