help identifying this cactus


Well-Known Member
Peruvian torch has thorns - looooong ones and they are really really pointy and they hurt a lot when they stick you and they stick you all the time even after you love them and feed them and look after them

They are the most ungrateful plant that exists.


if i can help here what you have is defin not san pedro or torch,sorry.the second post w flower if def san pedro.i thought every cactus was san pedro when i first started looking for them.ill share a couple easy identifying marks.
1.very small needles
2 color lime to dark green
3 thick colum from a beer can width to a quart jar width.

the 3rd is most important because the most common look alike is perivian torch that has almost no fatness to its colum,just a 5 pointed star.yes san pedro will look like a star when cut but will be a beefy one.btw be careful there are toxic cacti out there.dont waste time without knowing what you looks like this cactus is growing wild in the pic.san pedro is not native to us(if thats where you live)if it was it would get wild bud growing everywhere lol.let me see if i can post a pic of my babiesIMG_0308-1.jpg


thanks everyone!! sooo Only peruvian torch and san pedro that have the holy grail?? darn!!! I saw a few more cactus of interest will post pic if i get a chance to snap a pic they are grow at my airport..


Ursus marijanus
thanks everyone!! sooo Only peruvian torch and san pedro that have the holy grail?? darn!!! I saw a few more cactus of interest will post pic if i get a chance to snap a pic they are grow at my airport..
There is a third ... but it's protected and a slow grower. cn



Hi i know its be awhile but i found a next cacti that seems promising n need yall take if its what i seek.. IMAG0653.jpgIMAG0654.jpg