Help Identify The Issue

IMO, if the organic mix has a good ratio of macro and micro nutrients, it'll be fine. I used two different organic soils in my mixes and I just transplanted some clones into the second mix so I get to see how well each does.

I appreciate the input. Just always good to get other peoples advice as and opinions on things, especially as a basically first time grower. I say basically as I have 4 plants I had started back in March that I currently have in the flower room (probably a premature move) and the seedlings are only my second round of growing. After this second round I plan to take a brief break and go through the information/knowledge gained from these two runs and hoping the third run will be my first real attempt at a good yield, etc.

Don't get me wrong, definitely would like to end up with some good finished medicine, however running the number of plants I have going, plus the variety of strains isn't exactly the BEST move for a first timer IMO. However, gives me some things to compare as my third grow will be limited to 1 or 2 strains with a strong focus on bigger rather then more plants.
So I have my plants vegging 18/6 under 3 - 2 bulb T8s, growing in a 35% Roots Organic, 35% Organic mix from local green house, 20% perlite, and 10% EWC (or very close to that ballpark). I have been using distilled water, ph periodically and runs between 6.2-6.7
^^^^^ just as an easy access refresher since we have moved to a second page.

So I have a little update at Day 22 from Germ. The problem had seemed to have been under control after the initial CalMag treatment, but since my last original post one week ago I have given small, additional feeding of CalMag in addition to about 1/6 strength of FF Big Bloom. The manufacturers feeding schedule calls for 6tsp/gal, even for seedlings, well I started with only 1tsp/gallon as I slowly want to build them up. I have since verified that my ph pen is accurate, either that or all 3 of the other ones I have used that I've borrowed through out the week are off as well, but I'm back to scratching my head.

Overall the veg room is looking quite good, IMO, however I noticed that what I had ruled as a boron deficiency is back, or at least starting to show itself on just two of the plants that I have notice. Seems to be starting the same, however it appears to be more towards the tips on the plant I first noticed it on. By no means am I panicked, just trying to figure out a solid solution to the problem. I have been letting the soil get pretty dry between feedings, and they are probably about do for another watering. Anyways here are two update photos (can post more later, but finals week starts Monday and have been quite busy with last minute papers etc). The first is basically a full plant photo, and upon careful observation you can still see some of the original issue. However, upon closer examination (second pic is a close up of an affect leaf from same plant) it appears I am starting to run into the issue again. Here are the photos:

FullSizeRender.jpg IMG_0135.JPG

Does this look like the same issue reappearing? Open to further suggestions and ideas at this point. Thanks for the help everyone!
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Well during lights out it seemed to have progressed on this plant some more. Maybe it is time for a quick feeding of CalMag again, as that seemed to help last time, however CalMag shouldn't do a whole lot if it's a Boron def should it? Maybe its just cause I am new, but I have been looking at pics of def for hours and can't pin point true plan of action.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I love it when the answer is in in the post 8)

Distilled water is one of the biggest mistakes a grower can make as it contains NOTHING

In most real world scenario's plants get Calcium from their water source, Distilled water has NONE

This is why adding Cal/Mag is helping

Try given em some real water
I love it when the answer is in in the post 8)

Distilled water is one of the biggest mistakes a grower can make as it contains NOTHING

In most real world scenario's plants get Calcium from their water source, Distilled water has NONE

This is why adding Cal/Mag is helping

Try given em some real water

I greatly appreciate the input! At the exact moment I have only a couple other options for water 1) Tap Water or 2) Purchasing either spring or drinking water rather then purchasing distilled. I had only gone with distilled as I only have a ph meter and haven't got a ppm yet, but have had numerous people tell me not to even bother????
I greatly appreciate the input! At the exact moment I have only a couple other options for water 1) Tap Water or 2) Purchasing either spring or drinking water rather then purchasing distilled. I had only gone with distilled as I only have a ph meter and haven't got a ppm yet, but have had numerous people tell me not to even bother????
Yeah, no bother in soil, just feed lightly once ya have to

I use tap water, but understand not all tap water is equal, can you find the water report for your city online ?
Yeah, no bother in soil, just feed lightly once ya have to

I use tap water, but understand not all tap water is equal, can you find the water report for your city online ?

Only water repot I have found for the city dates back to 2012 as far as online goes. Not sure if that would overly helpful, but here is what they have listed for data:

Screen Shot 2016-05-06 at 8.04.57 AM.png Screen Shot 2016-05-06 at 8.05.27 AM.png
not much there, you could call em and simply ask how to get a water report

Sounds like a plan! Thanks again for your help! Once I get a copy I'll throw it up here. Bad as it sounds I guess waters the one area I haven't overly researched, guess it's time to start doing some homework.
Good luck man. I know the feeling of losing the battle to an unknown deficiency. She only yielded a little over an ounce at harvest while her healthy sister gave me almost 3.
Imo it'd be hard to burn seedlings with FF Big Bloom , throughout an entire one of my grows I've used for the most part 3 teaspoons (1 tbs) every other feed . As far as the returned boron def. and CalMag, a calcium and magnesium problem very often will accompany a boron deficiency when the problem is rooted from a ph imbalance. Are you messing with the water's ph before you feed? What's runoff oh? If you already posted it sry I'm on my phone and it's a bitch to navigate. I'd agree that distilled isn't good imo when you can use tap water that you have let sit out to get those trace nutes
Have you ever used FoxFarm's Bushdoctor Flower's Kiss foliar nutes? It's about 17-20$ for 32oz and I spray my plants every other day right at dark period with the 2 tsp/gal water with some super thrive and they're LOVING it. Flowers kiss has micro amounts of boron , iron , sulfur, calcium , manganese . Maybe give it a shot?
And man those new pics you posted I also experienced the exact same thing . Like very small discreet little yellow spots (only a few) where there would be a tiny hole that you can see right thru the leaf. Or that's what it looks like to me on your pic. Problem is I never even resolved the source of he problem , it just stopped happening .. Is it possible your light is too intense for the plant ? Not in terms of proximity but just the strength of the light