help i think my plants got pollinated


i found a male plant in my closet.i have two closets one veg(View attachment 3014337 )one flower (View attachment 3014338)and a 4 foot grow box(View attachment 3014339) i made.In the veg room is where i found the male (sorry no pics just got it out of there quickly) all the plants hairs in the veg room are brownView attachment 3014357View attachment 3014359View attachment 3014357View attachment 3014370 and when id go touch them theyd fall off, in the flowering room theres one of the plants that have been in flower for almost a month have gotten brown tips on the hairs of the budsSnapshot_20140305_27.JPG.............i should mention all this could be caused by the fact i sprayed ALL my plants with water and superthriveView attachment 3014356by accident a couple days ago...could that be wat happened?........also all my plants since frst started have had deformed leaves too........i feed the ones in veg once every 4-5 days with 2 drops per gallon of super thrive and floranova grow 1 TSP per gallon.....ive taken lots of clones from all plants too......if that makes a difference...i feed the ones in flower super thrive 1 drop per gallon with floranove bloom 2 tps per gallon .also ive put in a couple bloom food spikes since it was lacking nitro....seem to work please help me need to know if i should be werried o and the temp in here is 78degres f.and humi. is 50



I think no one has responded because this doesn't make a lot of sense. Why are there flowering plants in your veg room? Are you taking clones from flowering plants? What's you're lighting schedule? Are some of these auto flowers? The picture you posted looks like you've over done it on the phosphorous. It's trying to ripen before its time. What is your medium? Us this hydro? Need way more information and clarification.


Well-Known Member
You might want to stop spraying your plants with superthrive. I only use superthrive when repotting to help with the stress that comes from re-potting. The superthrive being used as a foliage spray may be causing part of your problems. Good luck!


k well yes its in my bedroom closets two seperate ones no light gets in or out i got two fan in each room 1 intake 1 out,,,,,,,,the flower room is in 12 12 and the veg one is 18 6 and i dont use superthrive on my plant it was a mistake when i sprayed it....i use the spray for my clones they love it i only had 2 clones die out of 200 so im doing it right.....yes im taking the bottom clones from the flowering plant seen it done lots befor ...just to take the bottom stems that arent budding so much and just clonning far its been working great using nutri+ nutrimix hp as medium the only thing that has phosphorus in it is the floranova bloom i probly should have told you these are afgan kush from what im told and they have been deformed since seed ,the clones have it too tbut other that the deformaties there alright minus the hair......ive been wantting to add phospherus cuz i thought it was lacking it but im glad im asking about it first ,...............hope we can figure it out