Help I need to change my lighting schedule!!


My family had an emergency and had to move in, and i need to hide my plant maybe for as long as 2 days in the dark while I figure out how to keep it growing while still hidden!!! I'm only maybe 2 weeks from harvesting, any suggestions on what to do about this and if it will impact my plant to much. And do I start the same schedule again or can I switch my daylight hours to what my night would be??


Well-Known Member
id say just put an icandecant bulb in on the same schedule your already using so the light cycle isnt ruined at an important stage ,they say its not the amount of light that plant gets its the amount of dark that detimines the flowering of a plant


no I mean I'm not able to give it any light it's going to be locked away pretty much. why would I use an incandescent bulb it doesn't have the spectrum I need for my plant??? I just need to know if being in the dark that long will throw it completely out of whack. from what I've read while I've been growing I don't think it will impact it very much, and it would be best to stay on the same cycle after that but Id prefer to have my light cycle on while I'm home so I'm able to watch over my plants but the way I have it now it's the opposite my lights are on while I'm gone and start while I'm there. I just need to know if anyone has encountered something like this before because I been doing something right because my plant looks like some flame stuff you would see in on that show weed wars!!


Well-Known Member
Being in the dark for 48 hours will definitely effect your plant, most likely in a completely positive way! My experience with prolonged dark periods is increased resin production. Just keep in mind they smell more in the dark as well. Whenever your guests leave you can start your light cycle up again where you left off without any detriment to your plant's development.


Well-Known Member
I would try my hardest to come up with some way to have a light on the plant in its hidden spot. Like, covering the box its in with a big blanket and putting it in your closet or something. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I would try my hardest to come up with some way to have a light on the plant in its hidden spot. Like, covering the box its in with a big blanket and putting it in your closet or something. Good luck!
There's no reason to do that. Your plant will be just fine in the dark for a couple days. It will not die, & your buds will get more potent, they just won't grow in size.


cool thanks everyone that is some really helpful info... I was a little worried, and I also didn't know they smell more in the dark but it makes sense though I think I've realized it without actually realizing it.

And mistyriffs yeah it's my place and I don't think weed is a big deal at all but some of my family don't see the distinction between weed and heroin or coke to them it's just drugs so it basically comes down to being respectful to my family and also not wanting a lecture from some of them.


Well-Known Member
There's no reason to do that. Your plant will be just fine in the dark for a couple days. It will not die, & your buds will get more potent, they just won't grow in size.
It won't have any negative effects on the plant? I always try to make its environment as close as possible to the outdoors. Considering the sun doesn't naturally stop shining for 2 days, I would assume the plant isn't designed to handle that.