HELP.. I need an inline carbon filter


Well-Known Member
Okay so im looking for an inline carbon filter. the ones where all you have to do is open the box and put in another filter, not the can ones where you have to disasemble it and replace all of the carbon which can be messy and time consuming. So....

I live in chicago... i checked my local grow store (brew and grow) and they say they dont have any. Although it is clearly advertised on their website. hmmm i wonder why they told me that? and trust me i know why.... anyways i was wondering if anyone knew any other places i could get one from without going on the internet. i would like to buy in person, but f not i guess i will have to go with the net. Any suggestions would really help cause elite genetics look as if you need superior odor control thanks to any 1 that can help


Well-Known Member
Haha that's funny I shop at the same Brew and grow, in Roselle on Irving park rd. Small world lol. Here's what i use but I'm not sure b/c u didnt say what ur grow room dimentions are.
Best Carbon filter for small grow rooms!!
This thing kicks ass! My grow room is 18'"tall 18"deep 32"wide and I had 4 plants during veg (2 turned out to me males) and 2 plants during bloom (8weeks) All White Rhino and this strain is known for being stinky, and I had no odor probs at all! It only cost me $16.00 at Target and came with a carbon filter in it and you can buy replaceable filters for it for only 10 bucks for 3, each filter is rated for 3-4 months depending on odor in room. I didn't even have to change my filter through my entire veg (6weeks) and bloom (8weeks). Its a must buy for ur grow room!


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone but i cant seem to find the filter like the one below in any of the links. hey love1fear. that fabreze looks nice for something small. i wonder could i use like three of them. my dimensions are 4feetx4feetx7 feet grow tent. and man it is a small world. lol.


Active Member
Anyone have feedback on these box style carbon filter? Ive always used the cone style carbon filter, like the one airfilter on your car....


Well-Known Member
I really like that inline carbon filter its an absolutely amazing idea. I hope I hear some reviews because if that thing works really well its my next purchase.


i was at lowes yesterday and they have a hepa air filter that is pretty small say 5in tall, 8 wide and 8 long for $69.99..


If you are willing to go to the hydro cork they have something called the odor sock.It seells for 60or 70bucks.Its a reuseable charcoal filter that slips easily on a 6inc inline duct fan .I use it to cool a 1000watt flower room any bigger and just run 2.Just throw it in the wash after each grow .I always like to try new tech.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is rated to cover a 6 foot bubble around the filter so 3 would be just a touch overkill but for the money its crazy worth it and hey try it out KEEP YOUR RECIEPT and if the 3 don't take care of business then return them. I bet you them not doing there job in 4/4/7 will not be an issue. Love Peace and Taco Grease


Well-Known Member
preciate it. i would try the odor sock but i have a 4inch vortex not the 6 inch vortex. guess i'll go with the febreze but now the problem is where would i plug them in inside the grow tent? its either that or the can filter now