I have a bagseed plant and a thai s-skunk that have been flowering for 5 weeks now. the thai just started making lots of white hairs this week so its probably got 8 weeks to go, which is right in the 12-14 week range the breeder recommends. Anyway the bagseed looks like it hermied or was polinated. I had 2 males I removed within 7 day sof flowering. today I removed some of the lower buds because they had more seeds. the main veins at the top arent seedy but I saw one or two. I dont see alot of pollen "balls" but when I was trying to remove a seedy bud I think I made a pollen sack open cuz I saw some evil dust pop out. I have that thai and some other plants that I just put ino the flower room this week.
Is my crop ruined? and I took the seedy plant outa the room tonight, should I just harvest it? only 33% of the hairs are brown
Is my crop ruined? and I took the seedy plant outa the room tonight, should I just harvest it? only 33% of the hairs are brown