
my plants are having a problem see pics... im not sure whats happening it started with 1 plant for about 3 days then it is happening to a total of 3 plants now. i thought the light was to close so i tied it up. but while im waiting to see if thats it if any of you have any other ideas that would be great i feed my plants fertilome 20-20-20 and fertilome 9-59-8 alternating as directed every 4 days also im 2.5 weeks into flowering


Check your ph for shire, it's going to be either light burn, doubt it... Nute burn starts at tips...or ph.. I bet yours is way off

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
deffinatloy ph imballance. locked out. flush em. i bet there has been no pH and those numbers on the second one are way hot for phos. no way id use that hot of a food on alternating days. id use 2 times in bloom and thats all. week 3-4 ish and week 5-6 ish.


Well-Known Member
overfert with N. deep green is too much N next step is yellowing at margins and tips followed by necrosis and some leaves are doing it now.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
but thats not deep green, the green portion looks fine. its deffinalty locked out. and suberin stops them from intakin to much anyways. its lack of food that does this from pH being out and caused lock out


Well-Known Member
Wow, don't know enough to actually help, but wanted to offer some encouragement...the plants look great except for the discoloration...I am sure someone can come up with an answer though. I have a tiny plant that the leaves feel dry...kinda crispy, and when they get older they get all discolored and burnt feeling and looking, so I just pick em off, the new growth looks great and the little gal is growing a weed!!!! Lol. sorry just had to say that...So I am not over worried about I guess I probably should be more proactive...probably why my yield sucks...Oh well. I'll figure it all out eventually, just gotta keep on trucking as it were.


Active Member
just had same prob....Lights to close,to hot,not enough water have the dried out lately?...flush raise lights don't f up
That 9-59-8 is way to hot for MJ! :fire:The Fertilome 20-20-20 has a good NPK that will take you from start to finish. Below is a quote from someone else's thread. I don't remember where I got it but it is good info. Hope it helps ... LTT

[FONT=&quot]"When you have too much Potassium in your soil, it can lead to big troubles, like salt damage and acid fixation of the root system, as well as too much potassium can cause a calcium deficiency. Your fan leaves will show like a light to a dark yellow to whitish color in between the veins. Due to a molecular imbalance, potassium toxicity can cause a reduced uptake and lead to the deficiencies of Mg as well as Ca. This leads to the other nutrients not be absorbed properly leading to other deficiencies such as manganese, zinc and iron.[/FONT]"

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
actualy to much potassium blocks sodium, iron and manganese.
and his is high in phos not potasium. and to much phos blocks zinc, iron, calcium, and magnesium.


thank you for your help i spent 5 hrs flushing and the color is coming back. it was lock out my ph was fine i think i just over fertilised i am going to stick to 20-20-20 once a week thanks again everyone

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
if ph was fine then it wasnt locked. locked means ph has dropped and cant get the food. the plant wont intake it if it dont need it