Help!help! !st time grower needs info

fum unda cheese

Active Member
it is my first grow and i recently purcahsed a clone and i put it in my powergrower i ran it off cfls for a couple days and then went and bought a used t5 it has 4 bulbs and it 96 watt is this a light i kan use during veg and flower and get a good harvest??is it a good light at all??also i bought it and it came with 2blue spectrum bulbs and 2 red will this make any difference during vegging??my leaves are starting to curl p and my bottom leaves have turned brown and died, i see lil shades of yellow in sone of my leaves does anyone know what the problem is???and if anyone knows how often i need to change the water in the power grower please let me know??what is my basic tools i need 2 take care of my hyro system and make sure all levels are right??also is my light to far from my plant??please inform me off things im a noob and really need help...i posted pics check em out


sven deisel

Well-Known Member
get a ph meter. i never change my res the whole grow. cut youes down to a 1/4 strengh. and get some h2o2 and add it any time you notice ph swing