help help sexing


Active Member
my plants been veggin for about a month and a week and im seeing pre flowers and there are def white hairs...
but im concerned... is there going to be any males that i will need to get rid of or since i have white hairs is the whole plant fem??
and also is this when i need to turn the light to 12 / 12???


Well-Known Member
U can switch the lights whenever u want, but keep in mind ur plants will at least double in size during flowering. As for ur hairs, if it's showing itself as a fem now it's still gonnabe a female later assuming they don't hermie on ya for whatever reason.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
my males have always shown sex before my female, so it would be strange that all the females have presexed and no males have


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like he has 1 plant. if it is showing delicate wispy white hairs in pairs then you gotta 100% female, its possible to hermie, but most likely its all female. Grow and smoke!!


Active Member
i have 3 she is the oldest and i have a younger one thats about half the size of her and i have a seedling about 12 days old... ill try to get a pic later today but now i know shes a fem im just gonna veg her hardcore

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
most plants do not show there sex untill u put them into 12/12 so if ur trying to determine sex of a plant b4 it even has chance to show ur outa luck. plants will show sex automatically but it will take a while.