help help help


Well-Known Member
Hey askapro, thanks in advance for your amazing knowledge of everything!

My question concerns top dressing when using organic soil mixes and compost teas. What's a good top dressing recipe? Can you recommend one?

Thanks so much!


Well-Known Member
Hey askapro, thanks in advance for your amazing knowledge of everything!

My question concerns top dressing when using organic soil mixes and compost teas. What's a good top dressing recipe? Can you recommend one?

Thanks so much!
keep it simple my young apprentic


Well-Known Member
My roomie is falling in love w/ homebrewing. I'm leaching all the glorious CO2 I can in the process, but mostly my grow rooms r too warm for his brew... But as we prepare to brew our Baratheon Barleywine, and a batch of Quill and Tankard Mead I've been introduced to the concept of starter-batches of yeast. yeast+sugar/water/temp=YEAST! (required for high alc. content brewing, 6-7% or higher, and yeast energizers w/ more sugar later after they metabolize the first bit, hehe)

So it got me thinking about my plants... and the beneficial bacteria and microbes n whatnot I want to have there.... Can I do something similar here? Or am I on the verge of falling into the well of making and brewing teas for different stages of all my plants...? And then making my own soil mix(es) my own fertilizer n compost mixes.... My current end product is awesome, but the system is expensive, and I know I'm spending in some places purely out of marketing and laziness...