Help help help! Flowering for nearly 10 weeks and no buds! Pls help

:cry: Hey people, Im in need of help.....This is my first grow and not sure if its going well or not??
Started by planting a seed from a batch of weed i was smoking, no idea what strain it is but it was very compressed with yellow n red thread tied around and through it. started with an 11w desk lamp (stupid i know) then after reserching a bit decided to get a bud box with a 125w blue n red cfl.
by this time it was stretched a bit but started coming on nice after a while. i vegged it for a month and a bit with very little nutes and then started flowering on the red cfl with bio boost and vitalink earth flowering mix.
Its been 6 weeks flowering with 125w cfl and 9 days since i got a 120x120x200cm bud box with a 600hps and 125rvk with a filter. Im giving her about 4ml of each nute to 1ltr of water every other day or when she needs it. She seems to have reacted well to the new light but her leaves at the top have started yellowing and going crisp and there are two hairs at each node (i think thats what its called) but its showing no sign of budding??.
ps Pics will be on way once camera is sorted...


bud bootlegger
late flowering usually means that a strain may take 10 to 12 weeks to finish, not that it takes ten weeks to start flowering.. i would check for major light leaks on your box.. something majorly wrong is going on with your plant.. there is no way that it should take a plant ten weeks to start to flower..
late flowering usually means that a strain may take 10 to 12 weeks to finish, not that it takes ten weeks to start flowering.. i would check for major light leaks on your box.. something majorly wrong is going on with your plant.. there is no way that it should take a plant ten weeks to start to flower..
Racer there are defo no light leaks ive checked. have to admit i did a few times just to check go into the room with the lights on. That was before i found out it could set it back a bit.... its showing the two hairs on each side of the stem pretty much all the way the way where do the buds form? on the stem or elsewhere?


New Member
those two hairs are part of the female flower. You should now start to get more and more of them forming in the same locations. The buds form at the nodes next to the stem as well as other places. hope this helps a little.
those two hairs are the female flower. You should now start to get more and more of them forming in the same locations. The buds form at the nodes next to the stem as well as other places. hope this helps a little.
Thanks for that, The hairs are all up the stem but only a pair on each side of the it normal for it to not bud nearly 10 weeks after 12/12?


New Member
Thanks for that, The hairs are all up the stem but only a pair on each side of the it normal for it to not bud nearly 10 weeks after 12/12?
I have no answer for that. I have never seen or heard of that before. When did these first flowers show up? was it recently? If so it might be good to give it another couple weeks to see if it continues to bud. sorry for your problem it sucks to go through all that and then come out with nothing.


normally about 2 weeks after you change the lights to 12/12 you should be seeing white hairs forming on all the heads or tips. 10 weeks it should have been finished by now easily. how big is the pot the plant is in? and how far away is the light from the top of the plant? try get your camera sorted man makes answering questions that much easier for people.

thats the head with all the white hairs. instead of producing more leaves like in veg it throws out white hairs and then starts to form little buds.


Well-Known Member
:cry: Hey people, Im in need of help.....This is my first grow and not sure if its going well or not??
Started by planting a seed from a batch of weed i was smoking, no idea what strain it is but it was very compressed with yellow n red thread tied around and through it. started with an 11w desk lamp (stupid i know) then after reserching a bit decided to get a bud box with a 125w blue n red cfl.
by this time it was stretched a bit but started coming on nice after a while. i vegged it for a month and a bit with very little nutes and then started flowering on the red cfl with bio boost and vitalink earth flowering mix.
Its been 6 weeks flowering with 125w cfl and 9 days since i got a 120x120x200cm bud box with a 600hps and 125rvk with a filter. Im giving her about 4ml of each nute to 1ltr of water every other day or when she needs it. She seems to have reacted well to the new light but her leaves at the top have started yellowing and going crisp and there are two hairs at each node (i think thats what its called) but its showing no sign of budding??.
ps Pics will be on way once camera is sorted...
Genetics.Thats your problem!DO NOT GROW WEED from seed that you got,found,had stored etc.Buy new seeds from a GOOD SEED BANK! Do not "save" money on good seeds, couse what you buy --> you smoke! I grow in tents, had nothing but good results. As for this grow, start over, you'll do better, IF YOU BUY new genetics.
But to tell what kind of a medium are you growing in, what nutriens are you using, your ph level,EC (ppm), do you test your runoff?
P.S. You should have done reserch BEFORE you started to grow, id just might saved you some time ;)