Help help ...... Hash dried to long ..... help help

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright i started making some hash and at the end when i was drying it out i had to run some errons so i just let it sit on the wax paper to dry tell i got back. It had lots of water still on it so i didnt think i had to worry. Well now the hash is stuck to my wax paper dried to a crisp. I have been trying to roll it up or scrap it up or seperate the wax paper from the hash no luck. I just keep ripping the wax paper, i am guessing i have a nice 3g ball on my hands if i can get it up. awww shit what to do i am so pissed at my self

I tried putting some water on it thinking that it might soften up but no luck.

can any one help me out ??? Grrr this was my july 4 hash ball, now its a hash pancake

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Didn't your plants die because it was to cold or something? Not trying to be rude just asking.

nope wrong guy .........i had some problems with nute burn and light burn

Just harvested two rooms does not taste the best but for my first homegrown i am happy. I even been looking up watering curing to see if the taste can get better.

I wish i had cold problems been having some crazy heat problems, next grow i will have all my lights in cooltubes.

bongsmilie happy 4th

Took some water and allot of patients but i got a nice 2.6 ball, did waste a little but oh well at least i got what i could off that paper. I thought we used wax paper just for that reason so it couldnt dry to it eh go fig.

Thanks to everyone that has helped. Hash bowl is waiting for me. :weed:
I'd go the other route... take a warm plate... nuke it for a minute or so... then place a paper towel down... then the wax paper on top. Let it heat up a little & soften. Should be able to peel the paper back w/o ripping. Or at least scrap it up as it will be much softer. Maybe nuke the plate twice, or thrice...? Best brah!