help guys.. please.. problem after switching to hps.


Active Member
hey guys.. so im exactly a week into flowering.. i started flowering when i got my hps last tuesday. i also did a transplant the same day of switching to the hps. its a 400w. im giving fox farm nutes grow big and big bloom. i had originally started the plants in mg moisture control but when i did the transplant threw in some organic soil with perlite. im thinking that they just went into shock a little due to the switch in light and soil. anyways.. its only the big one, the others have continued to grow steady. the buds on the big plant are doing good, its just a few of the fan leaves. i think it could have been a noob move, i watered the plants with water only but used the container that i use to mix the water/nutes. well i dont reallly remember rinsing it out. i emptied the last big on the top of the plant, like a noob, so do you guys think thats the thing or is it something else? the temp has increased from around 78* avg to around 85*F avg now. any advice is much appreciated guys!! thanks! :joint::joint::blsmoke::peace:


DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
hey guys.. so im exactly a week into flowering.. i started flowering when i got my hps last tuesday. i also did a transplant the same day of switching to the hps. its a 400w. im giving fox farm nutes grow big and big bloom. i had originally started the plants in mg moisture control but when i did the transplant threw in some organic soil with perlite. im thinking that they just went into shock a little due to the switch in light and soil. anyways.. its only the big one, the others have continued to grow steady. the buds on the big plant are doing good, its just a few of the fan leaves. i think it could have been a noob move, i watered the plants with water only but used the container that i use to mix the water/nutes. well i dont reallly remember rinsing it out. i emptied the last big on the top of the plant, like a noob, so do you guys think thats the thing or is it something else? the temp has increased from around 78* avg to around 85*F avg now. any advice is much appreciated guys!! thanks! :joint::joint::blsmoke::peace:
In my opinion it looks like nute burn---I would flush your medium with 3x the volume of the pot your in(1 gallon pot/3 gallon flush) use a very dilute nutrient solution say 1/6th or 1/8 strength flush-ph'd to 6.0. It will take up to a week for the plant to snap back but it will. Do you have an ec/ppm meter? If not get one.


Well-Known Member
im also using fox farm big and tiger bloom and a similar problem happened to me. i thought at first it was heat damage but the nutes went bad in my res and burned my plants. it's around 2 weeks after the incident and their starting to show signs of new green. what i did is flush them very well, aerated the soil with a chopstick and let them dry out for 4 days. once they were good and dry, i gave them another good drink. now 2 weeks later it's picking back up. yours don' t look as bad as mine were. i lost a lot of leafs, almost all of the bottom leafs fell off and, it was still burning after the flush for a couple of days.

good luck reppinnikes, they look like they'll be fine to me.


Active Member
thanks for the help guys. i have flushed the plants, just been giving them water to let them bounce back first. the new soil should be draining out better if anything because we mixed peralite in this time. will stop giving grow big, i plan on getting some tiger bloom very soon, infact right now : D thanks again guys! ill let you know how it goes!