Help growingg


Active Member
so i have had these seed for about 3 weeks germinatin but i dunt see no roots yet how do they look like when they are rotted??


Well-Known Member
Seeds germinate on average in a couple days, if they haven't popped by now they probably are no good. Buy some good genetics and don't go with bagseed. :)


Well-Known Member
I was just reading around and it looks like people have been having problems with Dr. Chronic so you might not want to use him. I've never had a problem but you never know, i've heard this company called Attitude seedbank is pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Some people complained about not ever receiving their seeds, but I think that was with mainly larger orders. I ordered 1 pack of seeds for 60 bucks and got them no problem. I don't think anyone has had a problem with bad seeds or anything though.. at least I hope not, I just germed mine and gonna put them in dirt now.


Well-Known Member
5-10 if you go to either you can get feminized or already female, indica sativa anything you want the most popular are more expensive try all of them over time and stick with what you like as far as high and length of grow and yield... i like attitude and the stealth shirt its the shit 0.o