Well-Known Member
Thanks Doc for the info and the links! I looked up what you had said about photos and indicas. And I think that it's definitely just as viable as the autos. If i had the room and more knowledge, i think i would want to go full tilt with photos from seed to harvest.OK Meimei. I'll still say that growing out a photosensitive plant on your first grow, might be the best for over all learning to grow. If you would care to learn more about that method. I would suggest this book by Ed Rosenthal. Available directly from this link.
This one is not bad and has a lot of set up advice with designs.
Now then. You have found some great advice from az2000 on Auto's with a why and how. I had feeding problems (fussy) with the one I tried. Yes it was an early auto strain and I hear good things about the new ones as far as the problem I encountered goes.
So with that said and after reading the whole thread,,,,,maybe what az says to try might be your ticket to happiness.
I would ask this of az2000. "az, would it be to much trouble to ask you exactly what you feed the auto's and how often?"
If the answer is a private thing, maybe you could PM the answer to her directly......?
I like your perpetual harvest suggestion and have become a bit interested in maybe trying out a couple of these newer auto strains myself again, just to learn more about them it's not like I don't have the room to. So why not.
I see that a company called Dutch Pro has a line of synthetics formulated just for auto's and that's got my attention too. I hear through the grape vine that other fert makers will be following suit with their own auto specific lines soon too. That should be a boon to auto growers of all abilities.
Good advice az !
I've really combing through a lot of information about autos and it looks like they have really come a long way from when they first emerged. It's been interesting reading the growing debate between them.
If you do not mind me asking Dr.Who, what sort of set up do you have?