Help , Grow room too cold


Well-Known Member
His grow room is 10x10m , room temperature can get to -15 at night in December . or if electricity cuts . If he completely insulated the room with thick plastic , will the temperature be trapped from the heat that the light produce ? . and is it sufficient to just insulate the windows? . he has no idea what to do , a heater is the last option due to electricity cut possibility , which can freeze everything.
go get some insulation batting rolls! Maybe some IR blocker could help too, IMHO plastic isn't enough, and just doing the windows isn't enough.... A heater is your best bet, if you can't run the lights when its coldest....
So insulation batting rolls and IR blockers ? , or one of those , and which type of insulation rolls ? can you please tell me the name so i can google it , i am not very fimiliar with these kind of things. rockwool ?
Thank you very much for a quick reply .
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The best thing you need to do is get a heater, not the circle kind the grate-kind that uses oil burning. Those things are designed not to freeze that's why there heaters
I just found a new product at Lowe's tonight, and it looks to be something I might even try getting into, here is a picture of it, it will help, but also it will keep heat in when the lights are on, so hopefully too much heat isn't going to hurt.

It doesn't have details on light reflective qualities, but the outside looks a lot like some different stuff I've seen in the growing community. 20140912_170813.jpg
try the IR blocker first, its light reflective as well as heat reflective..... Try Home Depot or Lowes it looks like foil covered bubble wrap
Insulate it is probably your best bet. With real insulation? Im about to start building out a semi for my new grow container. My plans: Insulation, run at night, heater. It'll work. If not, make it happen captain or fail.

Yah im wondering how the fuck ima keep temps perfect.. On the cheapola.
Run nom vented lights just a bat wing or remove glass from reflecto and theres heat have a t stat so when temps reach say 85 degrees an exhaust fan turns on suclking heat out the room ajd bringing in cold air once a lil cold air gets into room the fan will shut pff quickly due to temp drop
try the IR blocker first, its light reflective as well as heat reflective..... Try Home Depot or Lowes it looks like foil covered bubble wrap
Used that stuff under my house and it didn't do a thing for my frozen feet. Putting Roxul brand insulation (Pretty much thick rockwool type insulation) under next month.
I am sorry I can't do it till next month because it was quite chilly here yesterday.
Winter grow room timing can keep temps level and reduce your heating bill while keeping electric the same by going lights on when the sun gets low or 7PM to 7AM if you are going 12/12 in the winter.
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His grow room is 10x10m , room temperature can get to -15 at night in December . or if electricity cuts . If he completely insulated the room with thick plastic , will the temperature be trapped from the heat that the light produce ? . and is it sufficient to just insulate the windows? . he has no idea what to do , a heater is the last option due to electricity cut possibility , which can freeze everything.
If you have a lot of air leaking in, you could get a portable propane heater that screws onto a 20 lb canister like they use for BBQs and patio heaters. ***
If the room is tight, don't do it! And get a Carbon Monoxide detector if you have any combustion going on in your house. And make sure the CO detector isn't past its good till date, they are only good for a certain number of years.
I have created another thread with all the information of my grow , a more detailed view of the whole picture
My opinion based on my last years grow in a garage in Canada (-40f/-40c winters):

Start off making sure you have the area insulated. Use bats of insulation. You can then put your plastic on the walls. Make sure the windows are insulated too. You may as well just use bats of insulation over them as well. (This also make sure that your lights aren't seen out the windows)

Next go buy insulated sub-floor panels. They are 2'x2' squares of wood on one side and blue solid insulation on the other. These help keep the soil warmer, because if they sit on cold cement you can guarantee the root growth will be slow.

Get yourself a dehumidifier to take care of humidity. Vent the room back in on itself. This keeps your heat in the room. Buy a propane tank and a heater top. Run your lights at night and propane in the day. I ran propane just before lights went out (I would leave for work right after running the heat) and when I got home 8hrs later (also on -40 days I would have lunch at one just to heat the girls up). Get a green light so you can work in the room in the dark.

You will still need to vent the room once a week (and more if humidity gets too high) to provide new co2 for the girls, and just basic air exchange to prevent molding in the room.

These are my suggestions. If you have questions just ask.
If the room is tight, don't do it! And get a Carbon Monoxide detector if you have any combustion going on in your house. And make sure the CO detector isn't past its good till date, they are only good for a certain number of years.

This is defiantly a possibility, especially if your propane heater is malfunctioning. Otherwise from my experience its minimal. Good idea to get the detector(its like $50), and familiarize yourself with the sigs of co poisoning.
Can you recommend a propane heater ?, maybe one that you have used? . generates co2? i think it generates just CO , combustion ..
If the propane heater is working properly it should produce co2, it will however produce co if its burning improperly. I believe the rule of thumb is blue flame is good, yellow is bad.

Mr. heater is a great brand to be using. I wish I had bought the Big Buddy Heater, however I bought a two head burner