Help getting a job in the cannabis industry,tips ?


Hey forum I applied for entry level jobs like delivery driver, bud tender, trimmer, cultivator. Nut haven't had much luck one temp job so far this year as a harvest crew member on a cannabis farm in northern California. Any tips on landing a job with a legal cannabis company.
Best way to turn something you love into something you despise is to have your income depend upon it.
i have literally cried over my job here some days its really tough

Whats your current resume like OP? How old are you ?

Have you considered having a professional resume writers write your resume , and polish it up for you can find someone on fiverr for some work
There isnt much difference between these jobs and other entry level jobs to learning to polish yourself and your writing up, making your appearance proper etc helps

I believe some areas correct me if im wrong require a specific type of card to work as a bud tender (MED? I think) Not sure if thats all states and a clean background check
Best way to turn something you love into something you despise is to have your income depend upon it.
OMG this is so true.

Worked in the aircraft industry and then automotive/light truck.
One of the last jobs I had was at a restoration/ modification shop. I built 2 Elenore clones and ensured the 10% tax was paid. I finished a 70 cougar convertible that went across the Mecuum stage.

Dream job?

Not even close.
Dealing with one off stuff. Tracking down a missing panel for the rear seat fold down for a 70-71 B body ( 312 out of 65000 produced ). And the worst was following some diy guy that mucked up the job and has no money to land the plane.

When it is for fun and self any job can be fun but when you have to get it right and you need the job it becomes not so much fun.

Also screw you all you people who " love my job". You are very lucky and you need not rub your happiness in our normal people faces
i have literally cried over my job here some days its really tough

Whats your current resume like OP? How old are you ?

Have you considered having a professional resume writers write your resume , and polish it up for you can find someone on fiverr for some work
There isnt much difference between these jobs and other entry level jobs to learning to polish yourself and your writing up, making your appearance proper etc helps

I believe some areas correct me if im wrong require a specific type of card to work as a bud tender (MED? I think) Not sure if thats all states and a clean background check
I'm old enough to know if you have something that is considered your hobby, that you do for how long you want, when you want and you answer only to yourself it remains fun.