HELP germination problems


Well-Known Member
I'm having a problem with my seeds rotting. I germinate in paper towel and never have problems in that phase. After I put in my aerogarden with tap root pointing down. Nothing ever grew. The seeds and tap root just rotted. I have the aerogarden extra led kept lights on first 24 hours. Then switched to 17/7 after 2 weeks I checked temp and room humidity water temp was 90 room humidity is 85% room temp 70 pH was a steady 5.6-6.0... What am I doing wrong? First time hydro try.


New Member
you said the water temp is 90 degrees? f? thats to much, you would want water that is about 68-78, 75 is a sweet spot, to hot of water can stop the seed from rooting, ive also had problems with to much humidity, if you can taking the humidity down to 80, then second week 75 and the water temp down you should be fine, its probably the high water temp best of luck hope that helped


Well-Known Member
Keep water temps in the low 70's for new seedlings/clones, change the water out every 3 days. young plants/clones like the warmer root area to begin. Temps over 70 will promote bad bacteria in the water..changing to fresh water regularly will help control it. Once you see roots, keep the water temp under 70, preferably around 65-68. Feed 1/4 strength nutes after the first week or so, or when the first true set of leaves show. Increase nute strength a little every week going forward, 1/4>1/2>3/4>full strength


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much guys. I got water temp down to 73 and humidity down to 75% I've got new seeds germinating in paper towel right now I'm also thinking of turning sprayers off for first 2 weeks to see if that helps also with sprayers on it seems water just pouring over seeds hopefully this will do the trick