Help!!! Germinating seeds dried out!

I'm germinating with a paper towel woke up this morning it was super dry. 6 of 9 sprouted. 1 is like a super sprout I planted it.
Are you asking if they’re going to be OK? More than likely they will be fine, but if you let them completely dry out then you’re fucked :(
This is part of the reason why I no longer use the paper towel method. Just soak for 18-24hrs & then directly plant to soil, taproot or not❗
When i have had those troubled germinations - I put the questionable seeds in little pint pots of well aerated soil with a sprinkle of myco's in the seed hole (to help root development and make transplanting to their final home easier). Then water and cover with saran wrap or lunch baggie and put them under light and keep around 75F. Are they autos?
It depends on the "paper towel method" used. I take 3-4 "pieces" fold them in half, moist it good, then your chosen seeds in nice litlle rows. Then another 3-4 pieces, folded once and moisted good, this goes on top of the seeds, , then I pressure them a little on the sides, so they will held together when I pick them up and gently slide it into a 4 liter plastic bag, and then fold the remaining plastic 3-4 inches under itself. Then I put the bag on the top of my old video machine, I don't use anymore, other than this, and it's developing 77 F or 23/24 C and it's perfect for germinating. I put a thin newspaper on the top, then the plasticbag with the seeds and a clipped square from an old t shirt on top for dark. 48 hours later there are usually 90- 100% germination if the seeds are fresh.

One thing is of the essence here, check out the temperature of your heating device if you dont use a heat mat. I had obtained some nice expensive seeds, 6 feminized seeds, and I was too lazy to go up on my loft to get the old VCR, so I made the seeds ready and then put them on top of my new TV- Box, 36 hours later I thought I might just check them out, I could feel on the plastic that it was pretty hot, so when I opened the bag, moist was evapourating from the towels, there literally was smoke clouds coming from the bag, and instantly I knew that these seeds were gone, they were cooked. I dont know why I didn't check the Box as I did the VCR, where I took a couple of sides of newspaper, then a thermometer and a cloth on top of it, and left it till next day, where it said 77F-23/24C and of course I've should've done the same with the TV Box, but I didn't, so that fault costed me dearly....but hey you live and learn right!!
Another option besides paper. Glass of water till they sink to the bottom. Take out, plant, grow and smoke.

Anything still floating after 24 hrs and a stir are not viable.
When i have had those troubled germinations - I put the questionable seeds in little pint pots of well aerated soil with a sprinkle of myco's in the seed hole (to help root development and make transplanting to their final home easier). Then water and cover with saran wrap or lunch baggie and put them under light and keep around 75F. Are they autos?
No they aren't autos. What is mycos? When you questionable seeds you mean sprouted vs unsproutted ?
No they aren't autos. What is mycos? When you questionable seeds you mean sprouted vs unsproutted ?

By questionable I mean when i think they may not grow at all - i hate to waste a five gallon spot in my tent until i know it's good.
I only meant questionable in your case because of your concern that they may have dried out to the point of not being viable.

Since you're running photos you can always start in a small pot and replant anyway without worrying about the auto time-clock.
I'm not saying you have to dust with Mycorrhizae. But it does help root growth. It is a fungi that forms a symbiotic relationship with the roots to improve their growth.
Happened to me on my last germination round, I just completely forgot about them. Re-wet and got back to business...I planted them the next day and they all popped just fine.
This just happened to me but I plant my seeds straight in the ground. I forgot to water for about 12 hours and its so hot here the soil dried up pretty good. Im worried that I lost all these seeds.:cry:
This just happened to me but I plant my seeds straight in the ground. I forgot to water for about 12 hours and its so hot here the soil dried up pretty good. Im worried that I lost all these seeds.:cry:

No way of knowing for sure. You should be ok, just water now