Help Germanition


Hello Guys , i`m newbie , so i need help .. I got Big Buds seeds and Sensi Kush seeds
So problem is:
I put on water for 3 days - after its been root about 2.5 cm
So i soap rockwool with Plant start nuts + PH 6 water
Put there seeds .. wait for 2 days and switch light 125W cfl dual
now i waiting for 4 days but nothing.... maybe i do somthing wrong pelase help !!!


Well-Known Member
Relax, some seeds take longer to sprout than others. How many day's has your germinated seed's been put into the cubes? If its been over 7, something might have been damaged during the placement into cube, such as breaking / tearing taproot, etc. If it's more than 7 days after you put in, something is not right, the seeds were either damaged, or duds, etc... Have you made sure to keep the cubes moist? Perhaps nutes may have also negatively effected, etc. Generally recommend to give nothing more than ph'ed water for the first few weeks.


Well-Known Member
^ Then again, I've put seeds in dirt, forgot, re used container for a clone, and have a surprise seedling pop out of no where after weeks and weeks in wet or dry as hell soil lol.


Well-Known Member
I germinate in paper towels until the root is an inch long. From there it goes into dirt. Couldn't be much easier. If your germination rate isn't close to 100% you need to tweak your program. If you have trouble germing you will have problems cloning for sure. BigSteve.


Active Member
Hello Marka. I wouldn't start to worry yet I have had seeds that took 2 weeks to pop.
Good posting. I killed two of what would have been good seeds because of impatience. "Hey, one seed spouted in a day, must be something wrong with the others". Nope. They would have been just fine if I would have given them a chance.

Keep learning.


I`m write , because its starting germination. only one but its progress :D there is some picture