Help - 'friend' stole my money - any thoughts on what i should do?

Hi guys Wondered if anyone can offer some advice on this please.... About a week ago I sold my old car via ebay. The winning bidder got in touch and wanted to collect the car on the following day. He was flying from Jersey and could only do this day. A 'friend' of mine (lets call him Dave) offered to see him on my behalf as I had work commitments and do the handover. The car was L850 and I said he could have L50 for his efforts - literally the bloke was just picking the car up and was there all of about 10-15 minutes. Anyway, the handover all went fine and that evening I got a call from Dave saying that it all went smoothly. I agreed to meet him the next day as it was getting late to collect the cash. Anyway, the next day I get a text saying he was busy until 5pm and said to come round then. At 4:30 I get another text saying he has to go to the local hospital as his leg had swollen up - he had a trapped nerve in his leg the week before, so I didnt see anything unusual. I offered to give him a lift but he said his other friend was. He then disappeared for 3 days and I could not reach him on the phone at all. I also tried calling at his flat. I then decided to ring the hospital admission board who confirmed that he was NOT admitted to any of the local hospitals. I then text him again and asked sternly what was happening and got a text back saying 'im in hospital - will try to call you later'. I didnt hear from him for a further 2 days and after several texts, calls and visits to his flat sent him a text asking what was going on as I had called the hospital and he wasnt admitted. Also, upon the numerous visits to his flat there were signs of activity - tv on sometimes, rubbish outside etc. and although he often had friends there, it was obvious he was around. I then visited yesterday and waited and waited, rang his door bell, continued to keep ringing his phone etc. and then I got the following message - 'thanks for your message of distrust. Given that youve think the worst of me, I will show you my worst. Dont call round my flat again and if you want your money back you can take me to court...' From my point of view, he went off the map for a week with my cash and lied that he was in hospital when he wasnt. I am sure he has spent all or part of the cash. I messaged him back putting everything across my my perspective and received nothing back. Hes always been a pretty decent friend however hes got a bit of a side to him and knows some nasty and dangerous people. As much as I want my money back and have a confession via facebook that he has stolen my cash, Im a bit worried about reporting it to the police etc. as he may well do something beyond the law. On the flip side, hes effectively stolen my car! Any advice appreciated Thanks


Well-Known Member
Hi guys Wondered if anyone can offer some advice on this please.... About a week ago I sold my old car via ebay. The winning bidder got in touch and wanted to collect the car on the following day. He was flying from Jersey and could only do this day. A 'friend' of mine (lets call him Dave) offered to see him on my behalf as I had work commitments and do the handover. The car was L850 and I said he could have L50 for his efforts - literally the bloke was just picking the car up and was there all of about 10-15 minutes. Anyway, the handover all went fine and that evening I got a call from Dave saying that it all went smoothly. I agreed to meet him the next day as it was getting late to collect the cash. Anyway, the next day I get a text saying he was busy until 5pm and said to come round then. At 4:30 I get another text saying he has to go to the local hospital as his leg had swollen up - he had a trapped nerve in his leg the week before, so I didnt see anything unusual. I offered to give him a lift but he said his other friend was. He then disappeared for 3 days and I could not reach him on the phone at all. I also tried calling at his flat. I then decided to ring the hospital admission board who confirmed that he was NOT admitted to any of the local hospitals. I then text him again and asked sternly what was happening and got a text back saying 'im in hospital - will try to call you later'. I didnt hear from him for a further 2 days and after several texts, calls and visits to his flat sent him a text asking what was going on as I had called the hospital and he wasnt admitted. Also, upon the numerous visits to his flat there were signs of activity - tv on sometimes, rubbish outside etc. and although he often had friends there, it was obvious he was around. I then visited yesterday and waited and waited, rang his door bell, continued to keep ringing his phone etc. and then I got the following message - 'thanks for your message of distrust. Given that youve think the worst of me, I will show you my worst. Dont call round my flat again and if you want your money back you can take me to court...' From my point of view, he went off the map for a week with my cash and lied that he was in hospital when he wasnt. I am sure he has spent all or part of the cash. I messaged him back putting everything across my my perspective and received nothing back. Hes always been a pretty decent friend however hes got a bit of a side to him and knows some nasty and dangerous people. As much as I want my money back and have a confession via facebook that he has stolen my cash, Im a bit worried about reporting it to the police etc. as he may well do something beyond the law. On the flip side, hes effectively stolen my car! Any advice appreciated Thanks
Haha... What do you think you should do?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Um, I would never let a friend hand a large cash exchange for me. Maybe a brother or sister.

You got fucked.
snitching is shitty, But if you arent gonna kick the living shit out of him and take L850 worth of teeth out of his head than call the cops, save all your messages and facebook post, print them all out and slam his ass.


Well-Known Member
Skip the cops they'll just look upon it as a civil matter and won't take any action. Your best bet is to sue the bastard in small claims court (depending on how much money is involved.
Get a judgment against this asshole and every penny this asshole has or earns goes to you until the money is paid in full, If you need any advice on how small claims court works pm me and I'll walk you through the whole thing. Trust me on this, I'm a retired attorney.


bud bootlegger
if you sold the car on ebay, why didn't you make the person pay for the car via paypal? i thought you couldn't buy anything on ebay with out pp?


New Member
if you sold the car on ebay, why didn't you make the person pay for the car via paypal? i thought you couldn't buy anything on ebay with out pp?
You can. Paypal is preferred. I really like paypal.

Sounds like you need to file a suit in small claims court. By the way, you should have done your own business. Don't they have Judge Judy in England or what??


bud bootlegger
You can. Paypal is preferred. I really like paypal.

Sounds like you need to file a suit in small claims court. By the way, you should have done your own business. Don't they have Judge Judy in England or what??
i think her name is judge snudy in england kron... :D and i didn't know that about pp, always thought you had to pay through pp on ebay.. learn something new every day or so..


New Member
i think her name is judge snudy in england kron... :D and i didn't know that about pp, always thought you had to pay through pp on ebay.. learn something new every day or so..
Sometimes you can actually handle the transaction without going through ebay, even though the item is listed on ebay. You can usually go to a sellers store and find the direct number to their store. If you're buying for a friend, some places will just have you run their card over the phone, so yes, you don't HAVE to pay with paypal, but some, meaning most sellers will require you to pay via paypal.

And LOL @ Judge Snudy


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Hi guys Wondered if anyone can offer some advice on this please.... snip...
First this is not theft it's conversion. However the solution is the same. You need to go to small claims court. Quick before your, so-called, friend deletes any admittance of guilt print them out etc... Go here:

Learn about it and use it. This is probably the only way you stand a chance of getting your money back.

Doc Tor

Small claims. Listen to bull winkle the retired attorney. My wife is also a lawyer and I can vouche for this info.

match box

Well-Known Member
I think curious has the right way for ya to go. Sorry ya got screwed I have made the same mistake my self. I would guess this guy knew you would not kick his ass.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
.....snip......... Your best bet is to sue the bastard in small claims court (depending on how much money is involved.
Oh you posted this prior to me. Sorry I didn't see this. But this is the correct way to handle it. One thing can you expand on how to enforce a judgment?


Well-Known Member
I take it your in GB so I don't know how the laws go and what the thugs are like there but here you'd be told to take the guy to civil court at your own expense.
On the other hand this is Texas and they take care of business 'round here with a quikness. If I were you I'd grab a couple of other hulligan friends and some cricket bats and head on over to the douche bags flat for some fun and games. Once the fucker sees your not playing around he may just start pulling L'bos out of his pockets and cramming them into your hands in an effort to stop the huligans from trashing his place and murdering his fish.


Well-Known Member
Haha, meanwhile he got a loan for about a year and a half - even if you take hime to court and win... Best course of action, man up and invoke "project chaos". Lot of ways to make someone sorry without physical harm - but that is one option :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Chalk it up to experience points and move on, the universe will deal with him in ways you can't imagine. I know it's a money loss but important things were learned on your behalf and that's priceless. The first red light I read was when you said he's around some bad people. That right there is a huge reason to never trust him especially if he uses hard drugs.

Learn from your mistakes and spiral outward. Even if you did kick some ass it's still not gonna bring your money back. When I lived in Detroit if shit like that went down and an ass was beat that was it debt paid. So I guess what I'm getting at is carma alone will deal with that p o s in its own way.

Now a couple of years ago, hell I'd be all for beating some ass and prol after the first ass beating I'd get him again down the road but it causes more altercations than its worth.
i agree wiht dr hemp. take the 850 in teeth and make an example of him

I also agree.
Suing someone doesn't change their ways, they'll still steal from you again if given the chance probably. Best solution, give him a permanent reminder as to what stealing from a friend will do to you.
Although, personally, i'd go all reservoir dog on him, and just cut his ears off. A dentist can put teeth back in and make it look like nothing happened, although its little harder to replace body parts :lol: