HELP for the new guy take a look at my plan drawing

Tell me what you think if its worth trying to build i just want to grow 1 lowrider in a bin stealth style
if you think its crap tell me so i dont waste money makin itgrow bin plan1.jpg

Bayou bud

Active Member
I like it. Be careful using a metal encasing for the environment. I've seen some tight stealth grows in rubber/plastic trashcans.


Well-Known Member
Design look's good.....I'm sure with intake on the bottom and exhaust top will vent good (remember you need more air in than out! 6' in 4'out 4'in 3'out or even 4'/4' Intake can also be oscillating type to rustle the leave's too.Good luck my friend!
could i not build a small carbon filter with bottles and carbon with some scoreing cloth over it or some shit any ideas

only for the 1 plant


Well-Known Member
ona for stink is all you need! Look it up! jack charcoal is ok but ozone works better by attaching to the smell imediately and changeing it!


it doesnt sound as if your parents will let you grow? is this the case? because a sketchy buzzing trashcan is going to be pretty noticeable, pretty damn quick.


Well-Known Member
dont grow in a house that the owners dont allow you to. how would you like it if someone grew in your house and then the police busted them and you lost your house? it would suck wouldnt it


Well-Known Member
it doesnt sound as if your parents will let you grow? is this the case? because a sketchy buzzing trashcan is going to be pretty noticeable, pretty damn quick.
Agreed. I wouldn't... Go for a hike! And I don't mean "piss off" by any means... I mean go for a hike ;)

Edit: Tick-tock though! (depending where you live)


Ignore what any 1 says! u must grow. Popo ain't gna kick the door in 4 a bin an if they do, stuff a bag of rubbish in the bin then...... It is only a bin(crushed plants) tho. Keep a radio on low for soundproofing an put a ill lock on door? Let. Me know how u get on ... Fuck Internet haters!!!! And yes I use 2 fans on 1plug in my stealth cabinet av done for months on 24 hr lite. Not sure on three tho mate.