help for sick plants please


Active Member
hi all,
im currently on my first grow,and it started with only 1 runt,the runt turned yellow but other than staying small it still looks a 2nd one thats still a runt but admittedly bigger is starting to do the same.the first one started yellowing about 3 weeks ago.anyhow should i get them out of my garden?
It is normal for bottom leaves to turn yellow. How old are they how much light are they getting? They should bounce back.
Did you happen to use soil with time release fertilizer? That could account for the yellowing and stunted growth.
hey guys,
its basically the whole plant,i have them under two cfls each@1750 per bulb
they are about a month from sprout,they are in ffof soil fed grow big,bout 1 every 4 days in 3gal pots,i was just up there a while and now another ones leaves are starting to yellow i think its quarantine time as that 3rd plant is a nice size one,its a closet grow temps are high and although i have 2 18"
box fans blowing on them i dont know if thats enough..
You're giving them too many nutrients, cut back on the feeding, only feed every other water or less with low low strength nutes at first (1/4 strength) and then slowly increase the strength.

You need more light.

You may be watering too often, wait until the soil is almost bone dry and lift the pot, remember how heavy it feels. Then give it enough water to moisten all the soil nicely, then don't water again until it feels dry (by picking it up).