Help for newbies


Active Member
Any type of help?info needed just ask in post and i shall answer with what little academic knowledge i have> hopefully i shall solve your problem! Also please try to give me as much info as possible,where the seed came from, growing indoors or outdoors, what stage of growth are you at, vegging/flowering etc. I will be better able to help if i understand what you have and how far in you are. PLEASE I AM NOT AN EXPERT GROWER!! I MYSELF AM NEW TO GROWNG CANNABIS BUT I HAVE BEEN GROWING EXOTIC TROPICAL FLOWERS(Passion Flowers)/FRUITS (Naga Chilli, hottest chilli in world/VEGETABLES (Bangladeshi gourds pumpkins) TREES (Mango, Jack fruit, Kala Zam) AS WELL AS THE MORE COMMON PLANTS FOR MANY MANY YEARS NOW. I AM ALSO I VERY MUCH ORGANIC GROWER COMING FROM SUB TROPICAL PART OF WORLD WHERE GROWING THINGS IN SOIL IS LIFE ITSELF. WITH CANNABIS I MAINLY HAVE A LITTLE ACADEMIC KNOWLEDGE FROM THE VAST AMOUNT OF READING I HAVE DONE WITH SOME EXPERIENCE, SO PLEASE DONT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM ME, I WILL TRY MY BEST TO HELP.bongsmilie:eyesmoke:bongsmilie


Active Member
ok help me wit this......i need to kno if you can dispose water with ph solution in it down sink drain...or is thur a way you have to do it


Active Member
p.h solution diluted can be thrown down the sink yes. The water/nutes from your res is safe to chuck down the sink. it has only a small amount of ph down phsphoric acid and diluted it can go down the sink drain.


Active Member
p.h solution diluted can be thrown down the sink yes. The water/nutes from your res is safe to chuck down the sink. it has only a small amount of ph down phsphoric acid and diluted it can go down the sink drain.
thanks you nail both things i was goin to've been very helpful thank you again for your knowledge


Active Member
WHO THE HELL IS LUDACRIS NO1? The fool left a rep for me saying i know jack shit? lol!!!! I never said i know everything i said i will try to help the newbies as much as i can. people seem happy with the help i give them so i thoughti will start a thread for help. It seems there are haters in here who think they know everything and that everyone else is dumb and knw jack shiit. Well LUDACRIS YOU FUSSY LIL WANNABE HOOD RAT< GO GROPE YOUR SISTER THATS THE BEST YOU,LL EVER DO YOU EVIL CRUEL NASTY WANKING JERK OF A BASTARD. Get a life and leave me alone!! I did not speak to you in the first place!!!


i have some plants in New Zealand and i dont know what im doing can i leave them in the rain and can i leave my plants out at night time?

and how much time should i water them a day and how much sun do they need thanks


well heres my question plants (supposidly) are feminized lowryder and are 28 days from seed. they are supposed to be autoflowering as well. from the pix what can you tell me?...are they starting to sex?!
also i am getting burn on leaf tips...could this be a magnesium deficiency?


and TPT...from what ive been told, rain water is some of the best water for your plants, if they are going to be outdoor plants i dont see why not as long as other conditions as temperature dont affect it too much too hot or too cold etc

they will only need to be watered once every other 2 days at least...or untill top inch of soil is dry or so then water again.
give time to dry inbetween waterings and give nutes every other watering or 2


Active Member
i have some plants in New Zealand and i dont know what im doing can i leave them in the rain and can i leave my plants out at night time?

and how much time should i water them a day and how much sun do they need thanks
First of all are you growing outside or inside or bit of both?the plant out in the rain is ok no problem as long as it is not always raining/ wet weather but i think new zealand this time of year is pretty dry in general I THINK. Growing outside the plants will be there day and night and this is natural and normal.
What stage of growth are you at? Small plant vegging, Or big plant. It lso very much depends on the number of hours of daylight you are getting in new zealand at this time of year. The southern hemisphere is late spring early summer now i think, so as soon as the daylight hours start to decrease (as in the days start to get shorter) in new zealand that should be roughly in December the plant will slowly go into flowering. and outdoor crop will be ready naturally in southern hemisphere new zealand about late march/april and early may. GROWING OUTDOORS IS VERY DIFFERENT THAN GROWING INDOORS. I HAVE VERY LITTLE KNOWLEDGE ON OUTDOOR GROWING I AM AFRAID HENCE HAVE NOT REALLY BEEN ABLE TO HELP YOU. I AM VERY SORRY:cry:, I TRIEDbongsmilie. let me know what stage of growth your plants are at and if you will be growing indoors or outdoors and i will try to help. If you ar egrowing indoors and had to leave your plant outside for a few days/nights in the rain and are worried if it will survive. It sure will dont worry this time of year the weather is warm for you not for me cold here, so the plant should be fine. But without knowing what you are doing i can help very little. Abouthow muchsun they need, this depends on the plant and what stage it is at. if it is small and you are making it big it needs 18 hours light and 6 hours sleep or even 20 light 4 dark. But if your plant is already big and you want to now grow some flowers ( the buds the shit to smoke) you must give the plant no more than 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. If you ar egrowing outside you cannot control this and the plant will FINISH flowering next year about april time by my understanding, up until then the plant will grow big until about january and then slowly in LATE JAN/EARLY FEB IT WILL GO NTO FLOWERING NATURALLY. GROWING OUTSIDE TAKES A LOT LONGER BUT YOU ALSO GET A LOT MORE BUD AS OUTDOOT PLANTS CAN GROW LOTS OF BUD.


Active Member
well heres my question plants (supposidly) are feminized lowryder and are 28 days from seed. they are supposed to be autoflowering as well. from the pix what can you tell me?...are they starting to sex?!
also i am getting burn on leaf tips...could this be a magnesium deficiency?
Your plants seem a little small being a fast growing autoflowering strain. From what i understand the autoflowering plants veg for 21-25 days than profusely and madly go into flowering so your at 28 days which is still a little early to be showing. And NO from the pictures i see no signs of sex on display as yet. Give it another week and they shold be there and it seems yours are a bit behind as well,i think it might have been due to chronic overfeeding which has also burnt your plants leaf tips. Burnt leaf tips are a sign from your plant tellin you it is getting slightly too much fertiliser consisitently. I suggest you slightly reduce the strength and maybe knock down a little on the number of times you nute them. Other wise those look like fairly happy plants to me. Also i shall advise you to give 20 hours of light a day throughout the entire life cycle for best results even 20-21 light /3-4 dark,is used by some. the plant only needs a few hours to rest, Good luck mate, that lowryder is supposed to be some real nice shit, i reallybongsmilie must give these autoflowering ones a go soon


thanx alot sublimeone, really helpful...and very informative.
yea when i started out (maybe 1st week or week and a half) i was a complete newb and watered them too much and most likely over fed them too. also with a ph imbalance.
but got my ph corrected only giving nutes now every other 2 waterings, just the other day i noticed my roots coming out the bottom already too!
so i fixed that as best i could just by placing the pots in a bigger one filled with soil.
as for lighting in on a 18/6 regim. right now and from what im told and read AFs usually get 10-16 inches and maybe be bigger or smaller.
im at 8 inches on one and 6 inches on the other(about). really hope the seedbank didnt lie to me!..i really hope theyre actual lowryder.
thanx again


is there any way you can make the plants grow shorter in anyway? i have a tiny 2ft grobox goin on and i want to get the most out of it obviously


Active Member
is there any way you can make the plants grow shorter in anyway? i have a tiny 2ft grobox goin on and i want to get the most out of it obviously[/QUOTE
Yes!! garrett G you can. If you are starting from seed i suggest you only veg for 2 weeks max prefrably 1 week veg and use a 23 hour light/1 hour dark photoperiod so the plant does not stretch much only 1 hour of dark. than switch to 12/12 when the plants are still very small and start flowering them. you will end up with a far smaller yield from each plant but it will allow you to utilise th eshort height space you have. Also when growing short plants like this grow a whole load of them, sqaush as many of them in there as possible. This is very similar to Sea Of green method which uses clones instead of seeds so the plants all grow evenly in height etc. Or you grow one plant and do some low stress training or supercropping in order to keep the plants short but will allow yo to get them big. Its basically bending the main Stem and branches of the plants sideways horizontally. The plant will then again grow upwards you then bend it down horizontal again and tie it down. this method also allows maximum light to get to the bud sites and will keep your plant short. There is also Screen of Green method which will allow you to keep the plant short. i suggest you do some reading on
1. Low stress training
3.Sea of Green
4.Screen Of Green
The above are all methods of growing plants short while still producing as much bud as is possible. i hope i have been helpful


honestly i dont know what stage they are at or which strand they are but id say there like your first pic second plant on the right but not as bushy and abit taller not that must taller though about 5 or so cm's taller yeah i just keep getting told if i leave them out they will drown but it hasnt been raining that much mostly sunny so should be fine

if i wanted to put them in the cornfields how would i do that and keeping them hidden from the pork choppers above lol and from preying eyes what would be the best way to conceal my plants as much as possible as well as getting the daily sunlight they need and if yous have Budzilla and Growzilla when should i apply those and how much should i give them and any more tips on how to get my plants as healthy and as big or skunky as possible FREE lol


Active Member
honestly i dont know what stage they are at or which strand they are but id say there like your first pic second plant on the right but not as bushy and abit taller not that must taller though about 5 or so cm's taller yeah i just keep getting told if i leave them out they will drown but it hasnt been raining that much mostly sunny so should be fine

if i wanted to put them in the cornfields how would i do that and keeping them hidden from the pork choppers above lol and from preying eyes what would be the best way to conceal my plants as much as possible as well as getting the daily sunlight they need and if yous have Budzilla and Growzilla when should i apply those and how much should i give them and any more tips on how to get my plants as healthy and as big or skunky as possible FREE lol
TPT! THOSE PICS ARE NOT MY PLANTS THEY BELONG TO AVTOKER WHO POSTED THEM FOR ME TO SEE. BUT I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN SO THE PLANT IS STILL VERY SMALL, VERY GOOD. I guess you are growing outside, please letme know what time of year it is for you, i think it is early summer or late spring. Your plants if grown outside will finish in Autumn. the longer you have until Autumn the bigger your plants will grow an dthe more skunky bud you will get. if you want to grow in cornfield it will be a bit difficult as corn grows very tall so will block out the light to the magic weed but this is easily fixed by chopping down some corn. first of all dig up the soil good and proper about 50-60cm deep atleast 100cm would b good add some grit if the soil has poor drainage and a little bit of fert and bat guano if you can get some if the soil is unfertile( make sure you only add a little bit to the soil) if the soil is already very fertile farming land soil dont bother adding any fertiliser at all you can add that later if needed. After planting the plants make sure they are regularly watered until they are fully settled into the soil, if it is regularly raining, just make sure the top inch of soil is moist if not water the plant. so that the corn plants do not block out the sunlight you will have to make sure you plant is inside the middle of the cornfield,this will also hide your magic weed planst from prying eyes. chop down some corn and make a nice 1 metre or 2 metre squared area for your plants to grow in depending on how many you have. Dig up the soil as i described above in your chosen area and plant the magic weed right in the middle so sunlight is not blocked from any direction. As long as you get plenty of sun and dry weather the plants will flourish. Im sure they will be ok whatever the weather. new zealand has lovely weather from what i hear and coming up to summer it should be glorious in kiwiland. Make sure you plant more than one magic weed plant though because yo will get male plants from normal bag seeds and male plants ae unwanted and must be pulled out and thrown away later. So plant a atleast 4 -6 plants in say a 2 metre by 2 metre area.Hope i have been helpful. ONE PLANT GROWN FROM A SEED FOUND IN A BAG COULD TURN OUT MALE AND WILL GROW YOU NO SKUNKY BUD AT ALL AND WILL BE A WASTE OF YOUR TIME. SO IF USING BAG SEEDS MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A GOOD FEW PLANTS. THE BAG SEEDS TURN OUT HALF MALE AND HALF FEMALE SO IF YOU PLANTED 4 YOU WOULD GET 1 FEMALE ATLEAST MAYBE 2 OR EVEN 3.