Help for my babies


Please forgive if this is a duplicate post, but I needed to edit and didn't see the original.

Anyway, I have two AF Hindu Kush seedlings ... 11 days old ... and they're not doing too well. I started them in FF Happy Frog soil (which did great for my AF Lowryder 2 girl) and they popped up really nicely under my Aerogarden lights. Now they're looking droopy and one has some yellowing and a rust-colored spot in each of the larger leaves. Not sure if I can turn them around or not since I'm such a noob ... this is my second attempt.

I transplanted them today and put them in my veg box under 4 27w CFLs. The pic on the left is not very good, but this is the one that has developed the discolorations. The pic on the right is just plain droopy. Any suggestions?


Wanna Learn

Looks like too much water to me. Did you add any Nutes to the mix yet, cuz you shouldn't need those for a few weeks, using them right away only hurts the girls. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'm guessing over or under watering. Based on the amount of soil there, I'd guess you should be watering every 2 or 3 days depending on how much your adding. The only other thing I could think of is heat stress. But that's unlikely with cfls, you have a little fan moving some air in the space right?


Nope, haven't added any nutes, but there are some in the Happy Frog soil. I am only watering when the soil gets dried out and then I've been watering till it barely comes out the bottom.

And I'm using a PC grow case that has a couple of little fans. It started in an Aerogarden with no fan, but it's out in the open in a rather large room until it goes into the grow case (with fans).


Looks like too much water to me. Did you add any Nutes to the mix yet, cuz you shouldn't need those for a few weeks, using them right away only hurts the girls. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yeah they look overwatered, but still really healthy, just stop watering them so much, wait till your soil gets ALMOST completely dry.. don't just let it dry for a day then water over again, it will drown it.

Watering it once every 2.5-3 days should be good.


definately over watering girl did that to me once aswell and it was just as easy as letting the soil dry up for a bit ... my rule of thumb if not on a scheduale is stick you (clean) fingire into the soil if its dry down to your first knuckle she needs some water... that rule of thumb has never rpoved me worng since...


Well-Known Member
Looks like the soil is a little rich for 'em, causing a little fert burn. Hard to tell from the pics, but that's what it looks like to me.
if u use soil less or soil media u can get from ebay for 5$ a soil and light meter it does the job or stick your finger in the media or simply lift your pots